Manage connections

Learn connection management tasks including how to edit, unassign, move, and delete connections.

View connection details

Select a connection from the Connections list to view its details. On the Connection details page, you can:

  • View the connection's status, which can be one of the following:
    • Creating
    • Updating
    • Active
    • Deleting
    • Deleted
    • Failed
  • Perform actions on the connection such as, edit, refresh, move, add tags, and delete
  • View connection information such as:
    • The connection's OCID
    • The compartment in which the connection was created
    • When the connection was created and updated
    • Encryption key management
    • Network information
      • View and edit the connection's subnet


        If you change the subnet, the connection's Ingress IPs and Private IP also changes.
      • Traffic routing method, either Shared or Dedicated
      • The Ingress IP show one or more IP addresses. The connection endpoint for OCI GoldenGate originates from one of these IP addresses. You must ensure that the appropriate subnet security rules are in place to allow connectivity from these IP addresses to the database's private IP.
      • Private IPs get rewritten in the format,
    • Connection type and connectivity information specific to that type, including the password secret for Autonomous Database users
  • View, assign, unassign, and test connections
  • View, add, edit, or remove network security groups (NSGs) for connections with Dedicated endpoints


    Connections with Shared endpoints inherit NSG settings from the assigned deployment. Adding network security groups (NSGs) gives you fine grained control over traffic between a deployment and the source or target systems within your subnet. Learn more.
  • View the connection's work requests

Edit a connection


For Autonomous Database connections, editing and saving the connection automatically retrieves the latest wallet version.


  • You must only create and edit connections in the Oracle Cloud console. Refrain from creating or editing connections in the Credentials screen of the deployment console. Updates are automatically synced to the deployment from the Oracle Cloud console.
  • Changes made to the connection string result in the use of new Ingress IPs for that connection and may require you to update firewall settings to prevent disruptions to your Extracts and Replicats.
To edit a connection:
  1. From the Connections page, select a connection to edit.
    You can also select Edit from the connection's Action (ellipsis icon) menu, and then skip to step 3.
  2. On the Connection Details page, click Edit.
  3. In the Edit Connections panel, edit the values you want to update.


    You can update the Traffic routing method and subnet selection, if needed. If you change the subnet, the connection's Ingress IPs and Private IP also change.
  4. Click Save changes.
The changes are automatically synchronized to the OCI GoldenGate deployment that it's assigned to.

Assign a deployment to a connection

When you're on the Connections details page, you can assign deployments to the connection.
To assign a deployment to a connection:
  1. On the Connections details page, under Resources, click Assigned deployments.
  2. Click Assign deployment.
  3. In the Assign deployments dialog, select a connection from the dropdown. Click Change Compartment, to select a connection from a different compartment.
  4. Click Assign deployment.
The selected connection appears in the Assigned deployments list. You can also view and manage this relationship from the Deployment details page, under Assigned connections.

Unassign a deployment

You can remove, or unassign, a connection from a deployment. First ensure that there are no active processes running in your deployment that involve the connection you want to remove.
To unassign a deployment:
  1. On the Connection details page, under Resources, click Assigned deployments.
  2. From the Actions (ellipsis icon) menu for the deployment you want to unassign, select Unassign.
  3. In the Unassign deployment dialog, confirm that you want to unassign the connection from this deployment, and then click Unassign deployment.
The deployment no longer appears in the Assigned deployments list. Unassigning a connection from a deployment doesn't delete the connection. If you want to delete the connection see, Delete a connection.

Test connections

After you assign connections to a deployment, test the connectivity to ensure the deployment can connect to them.

Test connection performs two types of tests: network-level and application-level. Network-level connectivity tests check that the host and port are reachable from the deployment, while application-level tests check that the credentials are valid by logging into the endpoint.

Some connections perform both tests, while others, such as Big Data connection types, don't currently support application-level tests. As long as your connection passes network-level connectivity tests, you can use your connection and start creating extract and replicat processes.

Before you test a connection, ensure that you first create and assign a connection to the deployment.

To test an assigned connection:
  1. On the deployment details page, under Resources, click Assigned Connections.

    You can also test the connection from the Assigned deployments list on a connection's details page.

  2. In the list of Assigned connections, from the Action (three dots) menu for the connection you want to test, select Test connection.

    The Test connection dialog opens and displays a confirmation message, if successful, and an error message, if unsuccessful. If an error message appears, then return to the connection and your settings.

  3. Click Close.

Move a connection

To move a connection:
  1. On the Connection Details page, click Move resource. You can also select Move connection from the connection's Actions (ellipsis icon) menu on the Connections page.
  2. In the Move to another compartment dialog, select the compartment in which to move the connection.
  3. Click Move resource.

Manage tags for a connection

Tags help you locate resources within your tenancy. You can add and view a connection's tags from the Connections page and from the connection details page.

On the Connections page, from a connection's Action menu (ellipsis icon), select Add Tags or View Tags.

On the connections details page, you can select Add Tags from the More Actions menu, or click the Tags tab to view and edit tags.

Delete a connection

Before you delete the connection, ensure that there are no processes running in the deployment that involve the connection. Consider unassigning the connection from deployments before you delete it.
To delete a connection:
  1. On the Connections page, select the connection you want to delete. You can also select Delete from the connection's Actions (ellipsis) menu in the Connections list, and then skip to Step 3.
  2. On the Connections details page, click Delete.
  3. In the Delete connection dialog, confirm that you want to delete the connection, and then click Delete.

Known issues

Action Required for Autonomous Databases that Use mTLS Authentication

When an Autonomous Database wallet is rotated, the OCI GoldenGate connection to this database must be refreshed to retrieve the latest wallet information.

For more information see, My Oracle Support (MOS) Document 2911553.1.

To refresh an Autonomous Database connection: Edit and save the connection to the Autonomous Database (Autonomous Transaction Processing or Autonomous Datawarehouse). Saving the connection automatically downloads and refreshes the wallet. No other changes to the connection is needed.

To verify:

  1. Launch the deployment console for a deployment that uses the Autonomous Database connection.
  2. In the deployment console, open the navigation menu, and then click Configuration.
  3. On the Credentials screen, observe the Autonomous Database connection string.

    Before the wallet is refreshed, the connection string looks like the following:

            OU=Oracle BMCS US, O=Oracle Corporation, L=Redwood City, ST=California,

    After the wallet is refreshed, the connection string is updated to look like the following:
