Manage deployments

Learn to edit, scale, stop, start, and delete a deployment in the Oracle Cloud console.


You can use the GoldenGate REST APIs to manage your OCI GoldenGate deployments. For those familiar with Oracle GoldenGate, note that the Service Manager is not exposed in OCI GoldenGate and any calls made to Service Manager won't be able to return.

View deployment details

Select a deployment from the Deployments page to view its details. On the deployment details page, you can:

  • View the deployment's status, which can be one of the following:
    • Creating
    • Updating
    • Active
    • Inactive
    • Deleting
    • Deleted
    • Failed
    • Needs Attention


      If the deployment's status is Needs Attention, then the deployment health is less than 100%. Learn about OCPU management and billing.
  • Perform actions on the deployment, such as:
  • Launch the deployment console.
  • Launch Admin client for Data replication deployments.
  • View deployment information, such as the deployment's OCID, when it was created and last updated
  • Set up contextual notifications and stay informed of deployment events
  • View the Data replication deployment's storage utilization. Storage utilization limit indicates how much file system space the deployment is currently using.


    You have starting hard limit of 500 GB per base OCPU. For example, for 4 base OCPUs, the hard limit 2 TB. If you exceed this hard limit, the service may be limited in functionality and performance.

    Create alarms to notify you of this event. Manage trail files to free up space.

  • View and schedule the deployment's maintenance window.
  • View GoldenGate instance information, such as:
  • View Network information, such as:
    • View/Edit the deployment's subnet


      If you change the subnet, the deployment's Ingress IPs and Private IP also change.
    • Public IP address
    • Private IP address
    • Ingress IPs, if assigned connections' Traffic routing method is Shared.
    • Load balancer information, if you enabled GoldenGate console public access.


      While you can manage this resource, ensure that you don't delete the load balancer while your deployment is still in use.
  • View deployment metrics.
  • Add and view Network Security Groups.


    Adding network security groups (NSGs) gives you fine grained control over where the deployment can be accessed from within your subnet. Learn more.
  • Create and view deployment backups.
  • View upgrade history.
  • View, assign, unassign connections, and test connections.
  • View trail files details such as size, sequence, producers, and consumers.


    In Data replication deployments, Trail files can build up over time and are major contributors to the Storage utilization number you see under Deployment information. Use this information to manage trail files.
  • Import and export Master encryption key wallets for Data replication deployments.
  • View the status of work requests and any log messages, error messages, and resources associated with them. Deployment operations that create work requests include:
    • Create
    • Update
    • Delete
    • Move
    • Restore
    • Stop
    • Start
    • Patch
  • Enable/disable process and error logs for Data replication deployments.


    You can also enable, disable, and view Logs from the OCI Logging service in the Oracle Cloud console.

Edit a deployment

To edit a deployment:

  1. On the Deployments page, select a deployment, and then click Edit from the deployment details page.

    You can also select Edit from the Actions (three dots) menu of the deployment you want to edit.

  2. In the Edit Deployment dialog, you can update the following fields:
    • Name
    • Description
    • Enable GoldenGate console public access
    • FQDN Prefix
    • Certificate and private key pair (keep, remove, or replace)


      Your SSL certificate must meet the following requirements:
      • It's common name should match the deployment's FQDN. If it doesn't, you'll encounter warnings when you access the deployment console.
      • It must be signed using a strong hashing algorithm. arcfour, arcfour128, arcfour256, none algorithm types are not permitted.
      • It must not be expired.
      • It's maximum validity should not exceed 13 months.
      • It must not be a self-signed certificate.
      If you encounter "Invalid Private Key" errors, you can check the correctness of the key using the following OpenSSL commands. Run this command against the certificate:
      openssl x509 --noout --modulus --in <cert>.pem |openssl md5

      Then run this command on the private key:

      openssl rsa --noout --modulus --in <key>.pem |openssl md5

      The output of the two commands should return the same md5 value. If it doesn't, then the certificate and private key don't match.

  3. Click Save Changes.

Edit a deployment username

You can edit the credential store used to log into the deployment console.

If you have yet to change the credential store to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management (OCI IAM), ensure that you first set up your Vault. Learn more about Vault and managing secrets.
  1. On the deployment details page, in the GoldenGate section of the Deployment information card, click Edit next to Username.
    The Edit username panel opens.
  2. In the Edit username panel, you can:
    • Change the credential store from GoldenGate to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management (OCI IAM).
    • Change the username, if your credential store is GoldenGate.
    • Select a different password secret, if your credential store is GoldenGate.


      To edit the contents of the existing password secret, see Edit a password secret.
    • Create a new password secret. To create a new password secret:
      1. Click Create password secret.
      2. In the Create secret panel, enter a name for the secret, and optionally, a description.
      3. Select a compartment from the Compartment dropdown in which to save your secret.
      4. Select a vault in the current compartment, or click Change compartment to select a vault in a different compartment.
      5. Select an Encryption key.


        Only AES keys, Software protected keys, and HSM keys are supported. RSA and ECDSA keys are not supported for GoldenGate password secret keys.
      6. Enter a password 8 to 30 characters in length, containing at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 numeric and 1 special character. The special characters must not be '$', '^' or '?'.
      7. Confirm the password.
      8. Click Create.
  3. Click Save changes.

Edit a password secret

To edit a password secret:
  1. On the deployment details page, in the Deployment information area, under GoldenGate, click the password secret.
  2. On the password secret details page, in the Versions list, click Create secret version.
  3. In the Create secret version dialog:
    1. Select the Secret type template, either Plain-text or Base64.
    2. Enter the Secret contents.


      The password secret contents must be 8 to 30 characters, containing at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 numeric and 1 special character. The special characters must not be '$', '^' or '?'.
    3. Click Create secret version.
  4. To select the new secret version, click Edit.
  5. In the Edit secret dialog:
    1. Enter a description.
    2. Select the new secret version.
    3. Click Save changes. The secret may take a minute to update and become active.
  6. To ensure OCI GoldenGate picks up the new password secret version, return to the deployment details page and click Edit next to the GoldenGate Username.
  7. In the Edit panel, click Save changes.

Upgrade a deployment

Ensure that you complete the Before you upgrade steps first.

When you upgrade a deployment,

  • The deployment is stopped and then restarted after the upgrade completes.
  • All Oracle GoldenGate processes are stopped and then restarted if they're configured to auto-start.
To upgrade a deployment:
  1. On the Deployments page, select the deployment you want to upgrade.
  2. On the deployment details page, from the More actions dropdown, select Upgrade.
  3. In the Upgrade deployment panel, select an available GoldenGate version to upgrade to, and then click Upgrade.


    Learn more about versions.

The upgrade takes a few minutes to complete. Click Upgrades in the Resources menu on the deployment details page after the upgrade completes to view the upgrade history or if an issue is encountered during the upgrade process.

Upgrade Heartbeat tables
You must also upgrade Heartbeat tables if they're used in your deployment. After you complete the upgrade, you can either:
  • Run the UPGRADE HEARTBEATTABLE command in Admin Client to add extra columns for tables and lag views. GoldenGate uses these extra columns to track the Extract restart position. Learn more.
  • In the deployment console, open the navigation menu for the Administration console, and then click Configuration. Connect to the database. When Heartbeat tables appear, select Upgrade from the Action menu.

Set up notifications

Receive messages when something happens with your deployment. Use contextual notifications in the Oracle Cloud console to create event rules and alarms for a deployment. Quick start templates are available. You can set up these notifications as an alternative or shortcut to creating alarms in the Notifications service.

Ensure that you have the following policies added for your tenancy:
allow group ContextualNotificationsUsers to manage alarms in tenancy
allow group ContextualNotificationsUsers to read metrics in tenancy
allow group ContextualNotificationsUsers to manage ons-topics in tenancy
allow group ContextualNotificationsUsers to manage cloudevents-rules in tenancy
To set up contextual notifications for a deployment:
  1. On the Deployments page, select the deployment you want to set up notifications for.
  2. On the deployment details page, switch to the Notifications tab.
    When no notifications exist for the deployment, the Notifications tab lists available quick start templates. You can select one of the templates, or click Create notification.
  3. In the Create Notification panel, in the Topics and subscriptions section, create or select an existing topic.
  4. Select at least one subscription protocol:
    • Email, and then enter a valid email address.
    • Slack, and then enter the Slack endpoint.

      Sends a message to the specified Slack channel by default, when you publish a message to the subscription's parent topic.

      Endpoint format (URL):<webhook-token>

      The <webhook-token> should contain two forward slashes (/). Query parameters aren't permitted in URLs. To create an endpoint for a Slack subscription (using a webhook for the Slack channel), see the Slack documentation.

    • SMS, and then select the country code and enter the phone number.
  5. (Optional) Modify the default settings (event type or alarm severity) listed above Topic and Subscriptions.
  6. Click Create nofication.
  7. Confirm the new subscriptions, if needed. For more information, see Confirming a subscription.
Messages are sent to the contact information entries whenever the condition of the notification is satisfied.

Scale a deployment

You can scale a deployment up or down depending on the amount of Oracle Compute Units (OCPUs) you need.

When you enable auto scaling, the deployment can scale up to three times more memory than the number of OCPUs currently shown in the Scale dialog. One OCPU is equivalent to 16 GB memory. If your workload requires additional OCPUS, then the deployment automatically uses the resources without any manual intervention required when auto scaling is enabled.

To see OCPU usage, you can view the OCPU Consumption graph in the Metrics section of the Deployment Details page in the Console.

To scale a deployment:

  1. On the Deployments page, from the Actions (three dots) menu of the deployment you want to scale, select Scale.

    You can also click Scale on the deployment's Details page.

  2. For OCPU Count, enter the number of OCPUs between 1 and 24.
  3. (Optional) Enable Auto Scaling.
    Enabling auto scaling allows the service to scale up to three time the designated number of OCPUs, for a maximum of 24 OCPUs.
  4. Click Save Changes.
Your deployment restarts to reflect the changes made.

Collect diagnostics

Collect diagnostics to analyze or share information about your OCI GoldenGate deployment. The information collected can be shared with My Oracle Support if you encounter any issues.

Before you collect diagnostics, ensure that you create an OCI Object Storage bucket.
To collect deployment diagnostics:
  1. On the Deployments page, select the deployment for which to collect diagnostics.
  2. On the deployment's Details page, from the More actions menu, select Collect diagnostics.
  3. In the Collect diagnostics panel, complete the following fields, and then click Collect diagnostics:
    1. From the Bucket dropdown, select the bucket in which to save the diagnostics file. If you want to select a bucket in a different compartment, click Change Compartment.
    2. For Diagnostics name prefix, enter a short name or a few characters to prefix the diagnostics file name.
    3. (Optional) Select the Start date from which to collect system logs.
    4. (Optional) Select the End date to which to collect system logs.


      Diagnostics collected for the OCI GoldenGate deployment contains GoldenGate logs for the entire lifespan of the deployment and are independent of the start and end dates selected.
After you click Collect diagnostics, a new field named Diagnostics displays under the GoldenGate section of the Deployment information card. It can take several minutes for the diagnostics zip file to become available to download. When it is available, a Download link appears.

Stop a deployment

When you stop a deployment, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure GoldenGate also stops. You won't be able to access the OCI GoldenGate deployment console while the deployment is stopped and you won't be billed until you restart it.

To stop a deployment:

  1. From the Deployments page, select a deployment, and then click Stop on the deployment details page.

    You can also select Stop from the Actions (three dots) menu of the deployment you want to stop on the Deployments page.

  2. In the Stop Deployment dialog, click Stop.

When you stop a deployment, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure GoldenGate stops all active tasks. You can restart the deployment from the Deployments or deployment details pages.

Start a deployment

After the deployment is created, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure GoldenGate is automatically started. If you stop a deployment, you can restart it using the Start option in the deployment's Actions (three dots) menu. When you start the deployment, billing also resumes.

To start a deployment:

  1. From the Deployments page, select a deployment, and then click Start on the deployment details page.

    You can also select Start from the Actions (three dots) menu of the deployment you want to start on the Deployments page.

  2. In the Start Deployment dialog, click Start.

The deployment starts and you can now launch the Deployment Console. Oracle resumes billing for the amount of Oracle compute units (OCPUs) used.

You can also configure Extracts and Replicats to automatically start when you start the deployment. For more information, see Configure managed processes.

Move a Deployment

You can move a deployment from one compartment to another compartment.

To move a deployment:
  1. From the Deployments page, select a deployment, and then in the Actions menu, select Move Resource from the deployment details page.

    You can also select Move Resource from the Actions (three dots) menu of the deployment you want to move on the Deployments page.

  2. In the Move Resource to a Different Comparment dialog, select the compartment to move the deployment to from the dropdown.
  3. Click Move Resource.

After you move the deployment to the new compartment, inherent policies apply immediately and may affect access to the deployment through the Console. For more information, see Managing Compartments.

Manage tags for a deployment

Tags help you locate resources within your tenancy. You can add and view a deployment's tags from the Deployments page and from the deployment details page.

On the Deployments page, from a deployment's Actions (three dots) menu, select Add Tags or View Tags.

On the deployment details page, you can select Add Tags from the More Actions menu, or click the Tags tab to view and edit tags.

Learn more about tagging.

Delete a deployment

When you delete a deployment, all active Oracle GoldenGate tasks within that deployment stop. Deleting a deployment doesn't remove references, such as checkpoint tables and Extract information, from the databases the deployment used. After a deployment is deleted, it cannot be restored.

To delete a deployment:

  1. On the Deployments page, select a deployment, and then from the More Actions menu, select Delete.

    You can also select Delete from the Actions (three dots) menu for the deployment you want to delete on the Deployments page.

  2. In the Delete Deployment dialog, click Delete.

You may need to manually remove files that remain in the source and target databases after a deployment is deleted. For more information, see Files to be removed manually.

Assign a connection to a deployment

Ensure that you have connections created for your source and target technologies.
To assign a connection to a deployment:
  1. On the deployment details page, under Resources, click Assigned connections.
  2. Click Assign connection.
  3. In the Assign connection dialog, select a connection from the dropdown. If you want to select a connection from a different compartment, click Change Compartment.
  4. Click Assign connection.
The selected connection appears in the Assigned connections list. You can also view and manage this relationship from the Connection details page under Assigned deployments.

When you assign a connection to a deployment, GoldenGate removes disallowed characters from the name you entered and trims it to 30 characters in length. The name must only contain alphanumeric characters, and follow the alias pattern: ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_#$]*$. If a connection with the same alias is already assigned, a number is automatically added to the new alias name.

Test connections

After you assign connections to a deployment, test the connectivity to ensure the deployment can connect to them.

Test connection performs two types of tests: network-level and application-level. Network-level connectivity tests check that the host and port are reachable from the deployment, while application-level tests check that the credentials are valid by logging into the endpoint.

Some connections perform both tests, while others, such as Big Data connection types, don't currently support application-level tests. As long as your connection passes network-level connectivity tests, you can use your connection and start creating extract and replicat processes.

Before you test a connection, ensure that you first create and assign a connection to the deployment.

To test an assigned connection:
  1. On the deployment details page, under Resources, click Assigned Connections.

    You can also test the connection from the Assigned deployments list on a connection's details page.

  2. In the list of Assigned connections, from the Action (three dots) menu for the connection you want to test, select Test connection.

    The Test connection dialog opens and displays a confirmation message, if successful, and an error message, if unsuccessful. If an error message appears, then return to the connection and your settings.

  3. Click Close.

Unassign a connection

You can remove, or unassign, a connection from a deployment. First ensure that there are no active processes running in your deployment that involve the connection you want to remove.
To unassign a connection:
  1. On the Deployment details page, under Resources, click Assigned connections.
  2. From the Actions (ellipsis icon) menu for the connection you want to unassign, select Unassign.
  3. In the Unassign connection dialog, confirm that you want to unassign the connection from this deployment, and then click Unassign connection.
The connection no longer appears in the Assigned connections list. Unassigning a connection does not delete the connection. If you want to delete the connection, see Delete a connection.