Oracle Cloud Infrastructure GoldenGate Versions

Learn about the different OCI GoldenGate release versions and what's included in each before you upgrade.

You can subscribe to upgrade events to stay informed of the availability of new versions. Learn more about managing deployment upgrades.

About GoldenGate versions

OCI GoldenGate supports multiple concurrent versions, for example, Oracle GoldenGate, Oracle GoldenGate for Big Data, and Oracle GoldenGate for MySQL, to name a few. Refer to the versions reference for details on the appropriate version for you.

Every release has a build number. There are three types of releases:

  • Major: The first number in build number indicates a major release. For example, 21.
  • Bundle: The second number indicates the bundle release. A bundle release is a set of bug fixes for a major release. For example, 21.5
  • Minor: The trailing numbers indicate a minor release. A minor release consists of one or more bug fixes on a bundle release. For example,


All release types can contain security fixes.

Deployments must be upgraded when a newer version is available. Depending on the type of release and whether or not it includes a security fix, you have a specific amount of time to upgrade:

Release type Major Bundle Minor
Non-security fix 365 days 180 days Not applicable
Security fix Not applicable 14 days 14 days

If you don't upgrade manually within the given timeframe, then your deployment automatically upgrades to the latest version at the end of this timeframe.


You can view the date a version is supported until in the Upgrade deployment screen and Upgrades list.

Deprecation of versions

A GoldenGate version is available from the date it was released to the date it's deprecated. When a version is deprecated, you can no longer select it for deployment creation or upgrade.

Deprecation periods use the same time frames as version upgrades. For example:

  • 365 days after a Major version release, the previous Major version is deprecated.
  • 180 days after a Bundle version release, previous Bundle versions of the same Major release are deprecated.
  • 14 days after a Security fix release (for Bundle or Minor releases), all previous versions of the same Major release are deprecated.


The release date may differ between regions.

Upgrade notifications

OCI GoldenGate sends you event nofications for when an upgrade is available and when an upgrade is scheduled. See GoldenGate Upgrade Event types for more information, or learn more about events.

Time to upgrade < 180 days < 30 days < 7 days
Notification period Every 30 days Every 7 days Every day


OCI GoldenGate sends notification for security fixes every day.

You can also learn about upcoming upgrades from the notification banners that appear on the deployment details page.

GoldenGate versions

Learn about the latest Oracle GoldenGate deployment build versions.

Oracle GoldenGate 21c for Oracle versions

Learn about what's included in each of the latest Oracle GoldenGate versions. To find out when a version was released and how long you have to upgrade, refer to your deployment details page.


Type Version number Features and updates included
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Bundle Bugs fixed
  • Bug 33498821: Extract abends when FETCHOPTIONS MISSINGCOLS is set and invisible columns are unused
  • Bug 36249099: Replicat/Extract descriptions are not displayed in Oracle GoldenGate Microservices Architecture v21.12
  • Bug 36393134: Parallel (non-integrated and integrated) Replicat abends with "Warning OGG-06094 Detected inconsistency in internal data structure"
  • Bug 36508757: Initial load Extract does not include table properties in the trail file
  • Bug 36625469: Extract abends without any error but it reports segmentation fault in /var/log/messages and GDB reported checkSizeToRollover error
  • Bug 36630528: Data not synchronizing when using different indexes or keycols in source and target databases
  • Bug 36311789: After normal restart, Replicat fails to identify a table
  • Bug 36553533: The getObjectMDRecord method generates error "OGG-30390 Internal Error. The metadata index argument is out of range"
  • Bug 36616207: MA report file incorrectly lists file names including REPREPA for REPREP
  • Bug 36625098: Replicat abends with invalid DATE/TIME in type conversion
  • Bug 36655689: Replicat should be able to use long varchar2 as primary key if database allows it
  • Bug 36742287: Replicat not getting restarted by AUTORESTART
  • Bug 36755183: Replicat abends with the "OGG-30464 The connected session is not a GG session" error
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Bundle, Security fix Bugs fixed:
  • Bug 35978782: Exadata on Premise - Initial load Extract abended with error "OGG-00663 OCI Error ORA-01406: fetched column value was truncated"
  • Bug 36229965: Exadata on Premise - Integrated Extract captured Replicat transactions since replication marker was missing
  • Bug 34711188: Oracle - Integrated Replicat reports a warning "OGG-02544 Unhandled error ORA-26786 & ORA-01403 For CLOB Data With DBRUs 19.14 And Up"
  • Bug 34854743: Oracle - Replicat abends with error when source with nonstop table $PS321.RJAWRK.IRAYRZIP
  • Bug 35273507: Oracle - Replicat abends with error "OGG-01296 error mapping with PR integrated with widetable + OLTP compession"
  • Bug 35711285: Oracle - Purge trail task gives error "No files found for specified trails" for trails which are present in deployment
  • Bug 36051773: Oracle - Parallel integrated Replicat getting abended with false message "OGG-01172 Discard file exceeded max bytes (50000000)"
  • Bug 36071790: Oracle - Parallel integrated Replicat getting abended repeatedly with OCI error "ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource (status = 60)"
  • Bug 36183947: Oracle - Initial load Extract fails during start with error "OCI-22053: overflow error"
  • Bug 36205348: Oracle - Initial load Extract hung on tables with more than 32k partitions
  • Bug 34850906: Distribution path creation does not honor the source sequence number (SSN) to begin with
  • Bug 35023596: Replicat abends with error "OGG-02774 Overflow detected when mapping 16-19 digits long numbers"
  • Bug 35974186: Replicat to abend with more meaningful message if key column is missing
  • Bug 36248094: The REPLACEBADNUM rule is not honored when there is a bad number mapping
  • Bug 36319657: WEBUI - Purge task to support a global purge for all trails (including any new trails created in new sub-directories)
  • Bug 36411284: Complete the output trail file if the source is initial load trail file and is completed
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Bugs fixed:
  • Bug 36303041: pmsrvr memory leak in IAM Deployments
  • Bug 36227758: UI - Modifying Auto Restart Options of recvpath/distpath not working
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Bug fixed:
  • Bug 36308199: IAM Deployment creation failing
Bundle Bugs fixed:
  • Bug 29039470: Replicat abends with error ORA-904 after renaming a column
  • Bug 30587981: Replicat abends while processing comment on column DDL
  • Bug 33638397: Display exact Replicat model used in report file
  • Bug 33770537: SCHEMATRANDATA command generates an error "ORA-06564 adding SCHEMATRANDATA with PREPARECSN NONE on lower case table name"
  • Bug 34804430: Replicat is not able to process datatype SYS.ANYDATA with an opaque value
  • Bug 34997772: Replicat incorrectly formats values when the NSK originated trails has table metadata and SYSKEY column
  • Bug 35128813: STATS command of Extract and Replicat not fully shown post STATS ER DDLSONLY command
  • Bug 35195530: Integrated Replicat abends with error "ORA-01843: not a valid month for 1899-12-31 or 1899-12-30 or 1899-12-29 date data"
  • Bug 35547445: Divergence observed with procedural Replication
  • Bug 35560594: Parallel Replicat repeatedly abends with error "OGG-00519 Fatal error executing DDL replication: error ...ORA-00933: unexpected token at or near"
  • Bug 35601091 - Integrated Replicat abends with error "OGG-01112 Unexpected condition in processReplicatLoop at line 1578"
  • Bug 35639628: On-premise per PDB Extract is not capturing DDL/DML when streams_pool_size is set to 0
  • Bug 35663518: Integrated Extract abends with error "OGG-01112 Unexpected condition in function output_lob_cols at line 6152" with FETCH command options
  • Bug 35666217: DDL for public synonym is not captured when exclude all is specified in DDL clause
  • Bug 35974811: Parallel - Non IR abends with error "OGG-02092 Unexpected condition in function indexOutOfRangeError for online Non Blocking workload"
  • Bug 36067679: The BR checkpoint is not used by Extract on forcestop
  • Bug 32785364: Ggserror log prints wrong time offset timestamp
  • Bug 34012362: Add logging for rollbacks
  • Bug 34394921: Add tracing for parser errors
  • Bug 34717189: Grant DDL processing for unrelated table by integrated Extract
  • Bug 34749779: Replicat binary function has wrong data in Linux
  • Bug 35514317: Improvement to generate message when partial lobs seen with INSERTALLRECORDS command
  • Bug 35796458: For user exit, Extract does not return same record after setting MORE_RECS flag in PROCESS_RECORD callback
  • Bug 36017123: Heartbeat history not showing in GUI when Replicat name is contained within the Extract name
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor, Security Bugs fixed:
  • Bug 35145292: INFO SCHEMATRANDATA command fails in Microservices deployment with ~81k tables
  • Bug 35360186: In Oracle GoldenGate 21.9 Microservices release, only report file for replicat main process is showing in the adminsrvr report file section
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Bundle Bug fixed:
  • Bug 35524848: Parallel Replicat is not scaling and displays OGG-10178 warning in the report
Minor Bugs fixed:
  • Bug 35367875: OGG-14053 Invalid Heartbeat record encountered
  • Bug 35661628: AdminClient Edit Utility (EDIT params {process_name}) issue
  • Bug 35702967: PR-Non_Integrated: PR Fails with OGG-02092 Unexpected condition in function indexOutOfRangeError at line 51. Index 1078 out of range while processing very large tx


  • Enh 35728715: Disable query to support mode on releases doesn't have query optimization
Minor Internal updates, no updates to core GoldenGate version. No customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.

Bugs fixed:

  • GGS-7261: Diagnostic collection failes to collect when log files are larger than 14GB

Bugs fixed:

  • Bug 35446921 - Extract Abends when binlog_row_value_options is set to partial Json
  • Bug 35507352 - Display the LogNumber and LogPosition on the error message when the extract abends due to partial json update
  • Bug 34262780: Integrated Replicat fails with error "OGG-00664 OCI error ORA-01406"
  • Bug 34277295: Integrated Extract fails with error OGG-01112 in DDLEXT_process_extract for GRANT ddl
  • Bug 34294074: Parallel Replicat abends intermittently with error OGG-00418
  • Bug 35401796: Integrated Replicat crashes with message "*** stack smashing detected ***: /opt/ogg/classic/19/commbank04/19c/replicat terminated"
  • Bug 35406535: BR files not getting cleared upon BR cancel and disabled
  • Bug 32131835: Enhance logdump to optionally disable all column data output
  • Bug 34732293: Mapper memory leak occurs when parallel Replicat is started with ATCSN/AFTERCSN
  • Bug 35164853: When the GLOBALS file is not present, the AllowNullableKeys command is effectively true
  • Bug 35225748: Extract registration information getting removed from microservices metadata
  • Bug 35350661: Modify recvsrvr /targets and /targets/path endpoints
  • Bug 35401164: Added a new TRANLOGOPTIONS UNSUPPORTEDLCROPTION parameter
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Bugs fixed:
  • BUG 35256956 - Replicat process not terminating after abend
  • BUG 35384626 - Extract keeps loading after creating it in the WEBUI

Bugs fixed:

  • Bug 34791431: Exadata on Premise - Replicat inserts garbage characters in CLOB column when characterset is source database is set to CESU-8
  • Bug 35097023: Exadata on Premise - Parallel Replicat abends with error 1403 and skips transactions and continues progressing after two auto restart attempts from the manager
  • Bug 34760678: Parallel integrated Replicat consumes higher PGA with large # of appliers leading to PGA limit breach/4036
  • Bug 34851353: Parallel Replicat is missing transactions randomly which is causing data integrity issue
  • Bug 34626040: Replicat abends when trying to use _LOW_WATERMARK_UPDATE_TIME parameter in the parameter file
  • Bug 35161065: Modifying distribution path tcpRcvBuf or tcpSndBuf prevents path starting and causes Distsrvr to fail with core dump
  • Bug 35229639: ADMINSRVR Web UI: Request ER lag by report lag command
  • Bug 35132740 - oggsca.jar and reverseproxysettings.jar are showing as vulnerable dependency
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.

Bugs fixed:

  • Bug 33701569 - MA: START REPLICAT with ATCSN/AFTERCSN does not work for cross-database positioning
  • Bug 34406231 - Secure Receiver Server exhibits unbounded memory consumption
  • Bug 35055861 - DROP PARTITION skipped by OCI GGS Extract at Intermediate Database
  • Bug 34851353 - Parallel Replicat is missing transactions randomly, causing data integrity issue
  • Bug 3498303 - User with low privileges is able to access DEBUG logs

Bugs fixed:

  • GGS-7217: Fix Oracle Exadata connection creation, when dbsystem is configured in vmcluster

Bugs fixed:

  • Bug 34738804 - Administration Service UI/API hangs intermittently.
  • Bug 34784214 - Alias not showing under "Credential Alias" when adding a new Extract when username has '@'
  • Bug 34764925 - Web-UI: Drop-down menu does not expand or show all deployments
Bundle, Security fix Internal updates, no customer impact.


  • Enhancement 34466644 - Support Environment Variables in Activity Logging Patterns

Bugs fixed:

  • Bug 34275661 - Users listed in the endpoint /services/v2/authorizations/All are not found when IDCS is configured in deployment
  • Bug 33701569 - MA: start replicat when atscn and aftercsn doesn't work from webui/adminclient for all DBs (PostgreSQL)
  • Bug 34061707 - Distsrvr looping on reconnect/send logic
  • Bug 34530777 - Replicat hanging in OCI GoldenGate environment and reporting high CPU
  • Bug 34424244 - Critical Extract in Abended state does not change deployment health to unhealthy
  • Bug 34350756 - WEBUI: Oracle GoldenGate webui should by default use useridalias only and not the source DB for all DBs

Oracle GoldenGate 23ai for Oracle versions

Learn about what's included in each of the latest Oracle GoldenGate versions. To find out when a version was released and how long you have to upgrade, refer to your deployment details page.


Type Version number Features and updates included
Bundle Bugs fixed:
  • Bug 36625469: Extract abends without any error but it reports segmentation fault in /var/log/messages and GDB reported checkSizeToRollover error
  • Bug 36630528: Data not synchronizing when using different indexes or keycols in source and target databases
  • Bug 36781005: The TRANLOGOPTIONS EXCLUDEUSER command in PDB setup excludes all users
  • Bug 36821561: No option to specify Begin point for Extract when configuring it from the WebUI
  • Bug 36301151: Replicat not updating the checkpoint table correctly on stopping
  • Bug 36616207: MA report file incorrectly lists file names including REPREPA for REPREP
  • Bug 36625098: Replicat abends with invalid DATE/TIME in type conversion
  • Bug 36655689: Replicat should be able to use long varchar2 as primary key if database allows it
  • Bug 36731087: Snowflake Replicat deletion process not deleting the associated temporary and state files
  • Bug 36742287: Replicat not getting restarted by AUTORESTART
  • Bug 36755183: Replicat abends with the "OGG-30464 The connected session is not a GG session" error
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Bundle See Oracle GoldenGate 23ai Enhancements for details.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Major See what's new in this release.

Oracle GoldenGate for Big Data versions

Learn about what's included in each of the latest Oracle GoldenGate for Big Data versions.
Type Version number Features and updates included
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Bundle, Security fix See Bug fixes and enhancements for April 2024.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Bundle Bugs fixed:
  • Bug 36179042: CVE-2023-42503 in commons-compress
  • Bug 36179230: CVE-2023-35116 in jackson-databind
  • Bug 36029140: GGS Packaged Elasticsearch 8.7.0 client contains CVE-2023-
  • Bug 31417 36034071: CVEs in NoSQL client 5.3.7
  • Bug 36022907: snappy*.so files filling up /tmp in OCI GoldenGate Big Data Deployment
  • Bug 36010156: Additional property for NoSQL GGS default properties
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Bundle See Oracle GoldenGate for Big Data Release Notes for the full list of bug fixes and enhancements.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact
Bundle Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.

Bugs fixed:

  • GGS-7261: Diagnostic collection failes to collect when log files are larger than 14GB
  • Bug 34948936: Generic - Memory leak in OGGBD replicat processes
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.

Bugs fixed:

  • Bug 35209917 - Snowflake key pair replicat log file shows password on java exception-negative test
  • Bug 35187763 - Snowflake key pair replicat log file displays password
Bundle Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.

Bugs fixed:

  • Bug 34488932 - PMSRVR data store getting corrupted
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.


  • Enh 34516628 - OGGBD | GGS | Kafka extract | Parameter to read schema registry connection id
  • Enh 34318121 - List connections in OCIGG Big Data UI

    Connections now appear in deployment console Configuration screen.

  • Enh 34362397 - OCI GoldenGate Big Data ADW Stage & Merge

    In ADW Stage & Merge Replicat properties, OCI Object Storage Connection OCID was not populated/missing.



  • Enh 34114672 - OCIGG Big Data Kafka Extract C code changes to accept new configuration connectionId

Oracle GoldenGate 23ai for Oracle versions

Learn about what's included in each of the latest Oracle GoldenGate versions. To find out when a version was released and how long you have to upgrade, refer to your deployment details page.


Type Version number Features and updates included
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Major See Oracle GoldenGate 23ai New Features for details.

Oracle GoldenGate for Db2 for z/OS versions

Learn about what's included in each of the latest Oracle GoldenGate Db2 for z/OS versions.


Type Version number Features and updates included
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Bundle Bugs fixed:
  • Bug 35444840: Db2 for i - Extract abends with "OGG-01864 CACHEMGR: No items in object" error
  • Bug 36549745: Db2 for i - Issue with replicating CCSID 13488 data from remote Extract
  • Bug 33382788: Db2 z/OS - Extract abends with "OGG-00551 Database operation failed: TableHistoryDAO::addTable - execute. ODBC error: SQLSTATE 23505 native database error -803. [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2] SQL0803N" error
  • Bug 36447527: Db2 z/OS - Trail file includes out of sequence LOGCSN tokens
  • Bug 36452224: Db2 z/OS - OGGMT001 program can terminate without warning on missing or invalid parameters
  • Bug 36684657: Db2 z/OS - Extract abends, affecting the ATS runs
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Major Initial release version

Oracle GoldenGate for Microsoft SQL Server versions

Learn about what's included in each of the latest Oracle GoldenGate for Microsoft SQL Server versions.


Type Version number Features and updates included
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Bundle Bugs fixed:
  • Bug 33422685: Microsoft SQL Server - Heartbeat table cannot be deleted or edited when created with TARGETONLY
  • Bug 35888129: Microsoft SQL Server - When ODBCTrace is enabled with the MSODBC driver, the trace is generated in Chinese characters
  • Bug 36217472: Microsoft SQL Server - DBLOGIN crashes with "Error OGG-01118 Unhandled exception"
  • Bug 36353961: Microsoft SQL Server - Ignore In-memory tables when using ADD TRANDATA with a wildcard pattern
  • Bug 36429456: Microsoft SQL Server - Extract reprocesses prior records of the last checkpoint position after restarting
  • Bug 36571772: Microsoft SQL Server - Heartbeat table in WebUI shows as if it exists when it does not
  • Bug 36730285: Microsoft SQL Server - The ALTER EXTRACT Position by Log option is missing in WebUI for non-Oracle databases
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Bundle Bugs fixed:
  • Bug 36154619: Deletion of the initial load Extract fails with DBLOGIN required
  • Bug 34850906: Distribution path creation does not honor the source sequence number (SSN) to begin with
  • Bug 35023596: Replicat abends with error "OGG-02774 Overflow detected when mapping 16-19 digits long numbers"
  • Bug 35974186: Replicat to abend with more meaningful message if key column is missing
  • Bug 36248094: The REPLACEBADNUM rule is not honored when there is a bad number mapping
  • Bug 36319657: WEBUI - Purge task to support a global purge for all trails (including any new trails created in new sub-directories)
  • Bug 36411284: Complete the output trail file if the source is initial load trail file and is completed
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Bugs fixed:
  • Bug 36303041: pmsrvr memory leak in IAM Deployments
  • Bug 36227758: UI - Modifying Auto Restart Options of recvpath/distpath not working
  • Bug 36308199: IAM Deployment creation failing
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Bundle Bugs fixed:
  • Bug 32785364: Ggserror log prints wrong time offset timestamp
  • Bug 34012362: Add logging for rollbacks
  • Bug 34394921: Add tracing for parser errors
  • Bug 34717189: Grant DDL processing for unrelated table by integrated Extract
  • Bug 34749779: Replicat binary function has wrong data in Linux
  • Bug 35514317: Improvement to generate message when partial lobs seen with INSERTALLRECORDS command
  • Bug 35796458: For user exit, Extract does not return same record after setting MORE_RECS flag in PROCESS_RECORD callback
  • Bug 36017123: Heartbeat history not showing in GUI when Replicat name is contained within the Extract name
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Bundle, Security Bugs fixed:
  • Bug 34922587: Extract is deleted when logged in to the wrong database
  • Bug 35651029: Modify the default "keep rule for purge change data task" option to 60 minutes
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Bugs fixed:
  • Bug 34812191: Microsoft SQL Server - Support capture and delivery for SQL Server 2022
  • Bug 35309968: Microsoft SQL Server - Credentials from Admin Service page are not editable
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Bundle Bugs fixed:
  • GGS-7261: Diagnostic collection failes to collect when log files are larger than 14GB
  • Bug 35353317: MySQL - Replicat using incorrect metadata while processing DDL record when source database is case sensitive and target is case insensitive
  • Bug 32131835: Generic - Enhance logdump to optionally disable all column data output
  • Bug 34732293: Generic - Mapper memory leak occurs when parallel Replicat is started with ATCSN/AFTERCSN
  • Bug 35164853: Generic - When the GLOBALS file is not present, the AllowNullableKeys command is effectively true
  • Bug 35225748: Generic - Extract registration information getting removed from microservices metadata
  • Bug 35350661: Generic - Modify recvsrvr /targets and /targets/path endpoints
  • Bug 35401164: Generic - Added a new TRANLOGOPTIONS UNSUPPORTEDLCROPTION parameter
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Bugs fixed:
  • BUG 35256956 - Replicat process not terminating after abend
  • BUG 35384626 - Extract keeps loading after creating it in the WEBUI

Bugs fixed:

  • Bug 31607593: Microsoft SQL Server - Automatically remove OracleGGExtractCheckpoint record for an Extract when that Extract is deleted
  • Bug 35018016: Microsoft SQL Server - Installing OGG 21.4 Microservice for SQLServer report missing vcredist program
  • Bug 34626040: Generic - Replicat abends when trying to use _LOW_WATERMARK_UPDATE_TIME parameter in the parameter file
  • Bug 35161065: Generic - Modifying distribution path tcpRcvBuf or tcpSndBuf prevents path starting and causes Distsrvr to fail with core dump
  • Bug 35229639: Generic - ADMINSRVR Web UI: Request ER lag by report lag command
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Initial release version.

Oracle GoldenGate 23ai for Microsoft SQL Server versions

Learn about what's included in each of the latest Oracle GoldenGate versions. To find out when a version was released and how long you have to upgrade, refer to your deployment details page.


Type Version number Features and updates included
Bundle Bugs fixed:
  • Bug 36353961: Ignore In-memory tables when using ADD TRANDATA with a wildcard pattern
  • Bug 36429456: Extract reprocesses prior records of the last checkpoint position after restarting
  • Bug 36713522: Incorrect login information does not return proper messaging
  • Bug 36301151: Replicat not updating the checkpoint table correctly on stopping
  • Bug 36616207: MA report file incorrectly lists file names including REPREPA for REPREP
  • Bug 36625098: Replicat abends with invalid DATE/TIME in type conversion
  • Bug 36655689: Replicat should be able to use long varchar2 as primary key if database allows it
  • Bug 36731087: Snowflake Replicat deletion process not deleting the associated temporary and state files
  • Bug 36742287: Replicat not getting restarted by AUTORESTART
  • Bug 36755183: Replicat abends with the "OGG-30464 The connected session is not a GG session" error
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Major See Oracle GoldenGate 23ai New Features for details.

Oracle GoldenGate for MySQL versions

Learn about what's included in each of the latest Oracle GoldenGate for MySQL versions.


Type Version number Features and updates included
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Bundle, Security Bugs fixed:
  • Bug 35741391: MySQL: HeatWave - Extract abends with error "OGG-00768 Failed to validate plugins ddl_rewriter and ddl_metadata for non-admin user"
  • Bug 36156723: Extract abends with error "ERROR OGG-02092 Unexpected condition in function indexOutOfRangeError" when CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS DDL statement is issued
  • Bug 36202275: Binary metadata subtype is marked incorrectly in the trail when DDL is enabled
  • Bug 36414499: Incorrect GTID set in extended checkpoint causes data loss on restarting the Extract
  • Bug 34850906: Distribution path creation does not honor the source sequence number (SSN) to begin with
  • Bug 35023596: Replicat abends with error "OGG-02774 Overflow detected when mapping 16-19 digits long numbers"
  • Bug 35974186: Replicat to abend with more meaningful message if key column is missing
  • Bug 36248094: The REPLACEBADNUM rule is not honored when there is a bad number mapping
  • Bug 36319657: WEBUI - Purge task to support a global purge for all trails (including any new trails created in new sub-directories)
  • Bug 36411284: Complete the output trail file if the source is initial load trail file and is completed
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Bugs fixed:
  • Bug 36303041: pmsrvr memory leak in IAM Deployments
  • Bug 36227758: UI - Modifying Auto Restart Options of recvpath/distpath not working
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Bugs fixed:
  • Bug 36308199: IAM Deployment creation failing
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Bundle Bugs fixed:
  • Bug 35874800: Replicat is unable to apply data on target when FETCHMODCOLS parameter is used on LOB column
  • Bug 35887121: Extract during initial load for 1GB data is not captured for LONGBLOB and LONGTEXT datatypes
  • Bug 32785364: Ggserror log prints wrong time offset timestamp
  • Bug 34012362: Add logging for rollbacks
  • Bug 34394921: Add tracing for parser errors
  • Bug 34717189: Grant DDL processing for unrelated table by integrated Extract
  • Bug 34749779: Replicat binary function has wrong data in Linux
  • Bug 35514317: Improvement to generate message when partial lobs seen with INSERTALLRECORDS command
  • Bug 35796458: For user exit, Extract does not return same record after setting MORE_RECS flag in PROCESS_RECORD callback
  • Bug 36017123: Heartbeat history not showing in GUI when Replicat name is contained within the Extract name
Bundle, Security Bugs fixed:
  • Bug 33652805: Support for position by GTID set
  • Bug 35838196: Oracle GoldenGate incorrectly writes binary value which causes unreadable target data value
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.

Bugs fixed:

  • GGS-7261: Diagnostic collection failes to collect when log files are larger than 14GB
  • Bug 35353317: MySQL - Replicat using incorrect metadata while processing DDL record when source database is case sensitive and target is case insensitive
  • Bug 32131835: Generic - Enhance logdump to optionally disable all column data output
  • Bug 34732293: Generic - Mapper memory leak occurs when parallel Replicat is started with ATCSN/AFTERCSN
  • Bug 35164853: Generic - When the GLOBALS file is not present, the AllowNullableKeys command is effectively true
  • Bug 35225748: Generic - Extract registration information getting removed from microservices metadata
  • Bug 35350661: Generic - Modify recvsrvr /targets and /targets/path endpoints
  • Bug 35401164: Generic - Added a new TRANLOGOPTIONS UNSUPPORTEDLCROPTION parameter
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Bugs fixed:
  • BUG 35256956 - Replicat process not terminating after abend
  • BUG 35384626 - Extract keeps loading after creating it in the WEBUI
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.

Bugs fixed:

  • Bug 34821283 - AdminClient running in OCI Cloud Shell failes to connect to MySQL deployment
  • Bug 34811323 - Extract keeps abending when OGG-00146 (Lost connection to MySQL server during query)
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.

Bugs fixed:

  • Bug 34738804 - Administration Service UI/API hangs intermittently.
  • Bug 34784214 - Alias not showing under "Credential Alias" when adding a new Extract when username has '@'
  • Bug 34764925 - Web-UI: Drop-down menu does not expand or show all deployments
Bundle Internal updates, no customer impact.

Bugs fixed:

  • Bug 34382174 - Extract abends upon start on this error, 'ggs::gglib::ggcore::CException'

Oracle GoldenGate 23ai for MySQL versions

Learn about what's included in each of the latest Oracle GoldenGate versions. To find out when a version was released and how long you have to upgrade, refer to your deployment details page.


Type Version number Features and updates included
Bundle Bugs fixed:
  • Bug 36478812: Support for Vector data type
  • Bug 36658085: Replicat abends with duplicate primary key after certain case of GTID based positioning of the Extract
  • Bug 36688861: Extract fails on restart with error "No: 1236 - Error Message: (Cannot replicate because the source purged required binary logs"
  • Bug 36301151: Replicat not updating the checkpoint table correctly on stopping
  • Bug 36616207: MA report file incorrectly lists file names including REPREPA for REPREP
  • Bug 36625098: Replicat abends with invalid DATE/TIME in type conversion
  • Bug 36655689: Replicat should be able to use long varchar2 as primary key if database allows it
  • Bug 36731087: Snowflake Replicat deletion process not deleting the associated temporary and state files
  • Bug 36742287: Replicat not getting restarted by AUTORESTART
  • Bug 36755183: Replicat abends with the "OGG-30464 The connected session is not a GG session" error
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Major See Oracle GoldenGate 23ai New Features for details.

Oracle GoldenGate 21c for PostgreSQL versions

Learn about what's included in each of the latest Oracle GoldenGate for PostgreSQL versions. To find out when a version was released and how long you have to upgrade, refer to your deployment details page.


Type Version number Features and updates included
Bundle Bugs fixed:
  • Bug 9428716: Support EOF/EOL as a valid starting point when creating an Extract group
  • Bug 36311789: After normal restart, Replicat fails to identify a table
  • Bug 36553533: The getObjectMDRecord method generates error "OGG-30390 Internal Error. The metadata index argument is out of range"
  • Bug 36616207: MA report file incorrectly lists file names including REPREPA for REPREP
  • Bug 36625098: Replicat abends with invalid DATE/TIME in type conversion
  • Bug 36655689: Replicat should be able to use long varchar2 as primary key if database allows it
  • Bug 36742287: Replicat not getting restarted by AUTORESTART
  • Bug 36755183: Replicat abends with the "OGG-30464 The connected session is not a GG session" error
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Bugs fixed:
  • Bug 9428716: PostgreSQL - Support EOF/EOL as a valid starting point when creating an Extract group
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Bundle, Security Bugs fixed:
  • Bug 36250403: Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL - Oracle GoldenGate queries that use 'SHOW/SET' in upper case reports an error that superuser is requiredFixed an issue of missing tag with the RANGE function that was causing integrated Extract to not filter Replicat transactions.
  • Bug 34187297: Google GCP PostgreSQL - Support AlloyDB for PostgreSQL capture and delivery
  • Bug 30905606: PostgreSQL - Support capture from base partition table
  • Bug 33119456: PostgreSQL - The TRANDATA command does not work if schema has wildcard
  • Bug 33499616: PostgreSQL - Extract abends on insert for table with serial column with error OGG-30069
  • Bug 35856371: PostgreSQL - Support for ARRAY of enum type
  • Bug 34850906: Distribution path creation does not honor the source sequence number (SSN) to begin with
  • Bug 35023596: Replicat abends with error "OGG-02774 Overflow detected when mapping 16-19 digits long numbers"
  • Bug 35974186: Replicat to abend with more meaningful message if key column is missing
  • Bug 36248094: The REPLACEBADNUM rule is not honored when there is a bad number mapping
  • Bug 36319657: WEBUI - Purge task to support a global purge for all trails (including any new trails created in new sub-directories)
  • Bug 36411284: Complete the output trail file if the source is initial load trail file and is completed
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Bugs fixed:
  • Bug 36303041: pmsrvr memory leak in IAM Deployments
  • Bug 36227758: UI - Modifying Auto Restart Options of recvpath/distpath not working
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Bugs fixed:
  • Bug 36308199: IAM Deployment creation failing
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Bundle Bugs fixed:
  • Bug 32785364: Ggserror log prints wrong time offset timestamp
  • Bug 34012362: Add logging for rollbacks
  • Bug 34394921: Add tracing for parser errors
  • Bug 34717189: Grant DDL processing for unrelated table by integrated Extract
  • Bug 34749779: Replicat binary function has wrong data in Linux
  • Bug 35514317: Improvement to generate message when partial lobs seen with INSERTALLRECORDS command
  • Bug 35796458: For user exit, Extract does not return same record after setting MORE_RECS flag in PROCESS_RECORD callback
  • Bug 36017123: Heartbeat history not showing in GUI when Replicat name is contained within the Extract name
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Bundle Bugs fixed:
  • Bug 35032631: Certify Azure database for PostgreSQL 14: capture and delivery
  • Bug 32408803: Oracle Goldengate for PostgreSQL Change Data Capture (CDC) support for enum datatype
  • Bug 34336451: Set the option keepalive =1 in the connection field
  • Bug 35076537: Extract getting abended with positioning sequence ID out of order error for BYTEA and TEXT data types
  • Bug 35575990: Extract fails to parse the record when colon is part of the column name
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.

Bugs fixed:

  • GGS-7261: Diagnostic collection failes to collect when log files are larger than 14GB
  • Bug 35367684: The initial load Extract does not capture the VARCHAR column without any explicit length, defined as unique key
  • Bug 35615197: The DB login happens successfully with wrong host entry in the useridalias string
  • Bug 32131835: Generic - Enhance logdump to optionally disable all column data output
  • Bug 34732293: Generic - Mapper memory leak occurs when parallel Replicat is started with ATCSN/AFTERCSN
  • Bug 35164853: Generic - When the GLOBALS file is not present, the AllowNullableKeys command is effectively true
  • Bug 35225748: Generic - Extract registration information getting removed from microservices metadata
  • Bug 35350661: Generic - Modify recvsrvr /targets and /targets/path endpoints
  • Bug 35401164: Generic - Added a new TRANLOGOPTIONS UNSUPPORTEDLCROPTION parameter
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Bugs fixed:
  • BUG 35256956 - Replicat process not terminating after abend
  • BUG 35384626 - Extract keeps loading after creating it in the WEBUI

Bugs fixed:

  • Bug 35040942: PostgreSQL - The Extract fails to connect to the Postgresql database when an asterisk exists in the password
  • Bug 35095323: PostgreSQL - Support multiple hosts and ports for PostgreSQL connections
  • Bug 35222608: PostgreSQL - Enhance the PostgreSQL WebUI to accept multiple hosts and ports
  • Bug 35290862: PostgreSQL - Oracle GoldenGate does not detect primary key for tables with mulitple indexes
  • Bug 35347431: PostgreSQL - Add support for using client certificate and client key for ODBC connection in absence of a keyStore
  • Bug 34626040: Generic - Replicat abends when trying to use _LOW_WATERMARK_UPDATE_TIME parameter in the parameter file
  • Bug 35161065: Generic - Modifying distribution path tcpRcvBuf or tcpSndBuf prevents path starting and causes Distsrvr to fail with core dump
  • Bug 35229639: Generic - ADMINSRVR Web UI: Request ER lag by report lag command
  • BUG 35384626 - Extract keeps loading after creating it in the WEBUI
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Bundle Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Bundle Internal updates, no customer impact.

Bugs fixed:

  • Bug 34738804 - Administration Service UI/API hangs intermittently.
  • Bug 34764925 - Web-UI: Drop-down menu does not expand or show all deployments

Oracle GoldenGate 23ai for PostgreSQL versions

Learn about what's included in each of the latest Oracle GoldenGate for PostgreSQL versions. To find out when a version was released and how long you have to upgrade, refer to your deployment details page.


Type Version number Features and updates included
Bundle Bugs fixed:
  • Bug 36301151: Replicat not updating the checkpoint table correctly on stopping
  • Bug 36616207: MA report file incorrectly lists file names including REPREPA for REPREP
  • Bug 36625098: Replicat abends with invalid DATE/TIME in type conversion
  • Bug 36655689: Replicat should be able to use long varchar2 as primary key if database allows it
  • Bug 36731087: Snowflake Replicat deletion process not deleting the associated temporary and state files
  • Bug 36742287: Replicat not getting restarted by AUTORESTART
  • Bug 36755183: Replicat abends with the "OGG-30464 The connected session is not a GG session" error
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Major See what's new in this release.

Oracle Data Transforms versions

Learn about what's included in each of the latest Oracle Data Transforms versions.


Type Version number Features and updates included
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Bundle See what's included in this release.
Major See what's included in this release.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Bundle See what's included in this release.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor See what's included in this release.
Minor Initial Limited Availability release

Oracle Stream Analytics versions

Learn about what's included in each of the latest Oracle Stream Analytics versions.


Type Version number Features and updates included
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
  • Selection of Connection During Project Import: Users can now select existing connections when importing pipeline projects
  • New Kafka Security Models: Support added for security protocol SASL_PLAINTEXT and SASL mechanism SCRAM-SHA-256 to define secure connections to Kafka
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor Internal updates, no customer impact.
Minor See what's included in this release.