Use Data Transforms

If this is your first time using OCI GoldenGate Data Transforms, use this information to get yourself started. If you already created your Data Transforms deployment, you can skip directly to Launch the Data Transforms deployment console.

Data Transforms taskflow

Task Description More information
Review Security best practices Develop a firm understanding of your responsibilities to keep your OCI GoldenGate deployments and connections secure. Securing OCI GoldenGate
Create OCI resources This task is typically performed by an administrator. Ensure that the required networking resources are created before you begin. Create Oracle Cloud resources
Create deployments A deployment is a container for your OCI GoldenGate resources.

Create a Data Transforms deployment

Create Generic connections Create a generic connection for each Data Transforms data source. Create a Generic connection
Assign connections to deployments To use a connection as a source or target, you must assign it to a deployment. Assign a connection to a deployment
Launch the Data Transforms console Create your data flows and workflows in Data Transforms. Access Data Transforms
Create connections Create connections in Data Transforms to data sources to use in a project. Work with connections
Create a project A project is the top-level container, which can include multiple folders to organize your data flows or work flows into logical groups. Work with Projects
Create and Run a Data Load A data load allows you to load multiple data entities from a source connection to a target connection.

Create a Data Load

Run a Data Load

Monitor Status of Data Loads, Data Flows, and Workflows When you run a data load, data flow, or workflow Oracle Data Transforms runs jobs in the background to complete the request. You can view the status of the job in the panel on the bottom right of the page. Monitor Status of Data Loads, Data Flows, and Workflows
Create Data Flows and Workflows A data flow defines how the data is moved and transformed between different systems. A workflow is made up of multiple flows organized in a sequence in which they must be executed.

Create a Data Flow

Create a New Workflow