Understand Self-Registration Profiles

Self-registration profiles give you the flexibility to define different mechanisms for users to register with an application.

Using self-registration profiles, you can:

  • Create a self-registration consumer flow that allows users to create an account in a verified state. Use the REST API for Oracle Identity Cloud Service to turn off the activationEmailRequired option. The user can then directly log in to Oracle Identity Cloud Service using a user name and password to authenticate. See Self Registration Profiles REST Endpoints.
  • Create a self-registration partner flow that allows users to create an account in an unverified state. Use the REST API for Oracle Identity Cloud Service to turn on the activationEmailRequired option so that a user receives a link in the welcome email to verify the user. Once the user clicks this link, the user's state is changed to verified and the user can log in to Oracle Identity Cloud Service. See Self Registration Profiles REST Endpoints.

    When activationEmailRequired is set to true the user is created in a pending state. Use a token embedded in the email notification using the MeActivator endpoint to change the user's state from pending to verified.

      "token": "<access-token>",
      "schemas": [
  • Specify whether users are prompted and must accept a user consent before self-registering.
  • Assign groups to a profile so that users are assigned to all the groups that are part of that profile.
  • Specify the domains allowed when accessing the self-registration process. Only users with these specific domains are allowed to register.
  • Customize the self-registration login page with your header and footer logos.
  • Customize the header, footer, success, and user consent text.
  • Delete profiles using the REST API. See REST API for Oracle Identity Cloud Service.