Table Operation Page

You can update or insert multiple records in a single request.


When you change the structure of a table (for example, you add or delete a column), you must re-import the table by doing a re-edit in the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard. Go to the Import Tables page and re-import the same table, then click OK > Next > Done to complete the wizard. Only then are the table changes reflected in the integration.

Import Tables Page

Filter and select the tables to import based on the selected schema. These tables are used to generate a SQL statement based on the operation selected.

You can import the following number of tables:

  • A maximum of three tables for insert, update, and insert or update actions

  • A maximum of five tables for the select - operation on table feature

  • A maximum of five tables for the polling feature

Element Description


Select the schema to use. The page is refreshed to display the tables available for selection.

Name Filter

Filter the display of tables.


Select the tables on which to insert or update records.


Displays the selected tables.

Relationships Page

Review the relationships between the selected tables and optionally create, remove, or rename relationships. These relationships are used in the insert or update SQL statements.

Element Description

Relationships Table

Displays the relationships defined on the root database table and any related tables (one-to-one or one-to-many).


Click to create new relationships.


Click to remove a selected relationship.


Click to rename a selected relationship.

Create Relationship Page

Specify the parent and child relationships to use in the SQL statement.

Element Description

Parent Table

Select the parent table.

Child Table

Select the child table.

Mapping Type

Select the mapping type (one-to-many, one-to-one, or one-to-one with the foreign key on the child table). For example, if you selected Employees as the parent table and Departments as the child table, the following options are displayed:
  • Employees has a 1:1 Relationship with Departments

  • Employees has a 1:1 Relationship with Departments (Foreign Key on Child table)

  • Employees has a 1:M Relationship with Departments

Parent and Child Table

Associate the foreign key fields to the primary key fields.

Relationship Name

Optionally name the relationship (a default name is generated).

Attribute Filtering Page

Filter out the attributes to exclude.

Element Description

Attributes Tree

Deselect any attributes to exclude from the database query. You cannot exclude primary key attributes.

Advanced Options Page

Provide additional advanced options such as sequencing. This is only valid for the insert and merge operations.

Element Description


Displays the selected table.


Specify that the primary key is assigned from a sequence on any insert. Click Search and select a sequence from the list.

Only the sequences of the user who owns the adapter on the Connections page are listed.

The adapter generates sequence numbers in a batch of 50. Configure sequences in increments of 50. This issue only applies to the Oracle Database Adapter.