Create a Connection

Before you can build an integration, you have to create the connections to the applications with which you want to share data.

To create a connection in Oracle Integration:

  1. In the left navigation pane, click Home > Integrations > Connections.

  2. Click Create.


    You can also create a connection in the integration canvas of:
  3. In the Create Connection — Select Adapter dialog, select the adapter to use for this connection. To find the adapter, scroll through the list, or enter a partial or full name in the Search field and click Search iconSearch.

  4. In the Create Connection dialog, enter the information that describes this connection.

    1. Enter a meaningful name to help others find your connection when they begin to create their own integrations. The name you enter is automatically added in capital letters to the Identifier field. If you modify the identifier name, don't include blank spaces (for example, SALES OPPORTUNITY).
    2. Enter optional keywords (tags). You can search on the connection keywords on the Connections page.
    3. Select the role (direction) in which to use this connection (trigger, invoke, or both). Only the roles supported by the adapter are displayed for selection. When you select a role, only the connection properties and security policies appropriate to that role are displayed on the Connections page. If you select an adapter that supports both invoke and trigger, but select only one of those roles, you'll get an error when you try to drag the adapter into the section you didn't select. For example, let's say you configure a connection for the Oracle Service Cloud (RightNow) Adapter as only an invoke. Dragging the adapter to a trigger section in the integration produces an error.
    4. Enter an optional description of the connection.
  5. Click Create.

    Your connection is created. You're now ready to configure the connection details, such as connection properties, security policies, connection login credentials, and (for certain connections) agent group.

Configure Connection Properties

Enter connection information so your application can process requests.

  1. Go to the Connection Properties section.
  2. In the Select ebay Environment field, select the environment. Your selection enables the eBay Marketplace Adapter to connect to the appropriate endpoint.
    • Sandbox: A self-contained, testing environment that imitates an eBay production environment. The sandbox environment enables you to test and debug your eBay APIs before running them in eBay's live production environment.
    • Production: eBay's live production environment for running your eBay APIs.

Configure Connection Security

Configure security for your eBay Marketplace Adapter connection by selecting the security policy and specifying the client ID, client secret, and scope values.

The client ID, client secret, and scope values to specify are based on the security policy you select. See Prerequisites for Creating a Connection.
  1. Go to the Security section.
  2. From the Security Policy list, select the security policy.
    • eBay Client Credential: Select to configure operations for the resources owned by your application in eBay (for example, Search, Get default category tree id, Get listing structure polices, and so on).

      The client credentials grant type generates a new application access token, which is used to access the resources owned by the application.

    • Authorization Code Credentials: Select to configure operations for the resources owned by the respective user in eBay (for example, Get user, Get shopping cart, Get transaction summary, and so on).

      The authorization code grant type generates a new user access token, which is used to access the resources owned by the respective user.


    You must be aware of which policy to select before you configure security for your eBay Marketplace Adapter connection.
  3. If you select eBay Client Credential:
    1. In the Client Id field, enter the client ID that you obtained after performing the steps in the prerequisites section. See Obtain the Client ID and Client Secret.
    2. In the Client Secret field, enter the client secret that you obtained after performing the steps in the prerequisites section. See Obtain the Client ID and Client Secret.
    3. In the Scope field, enter comma-separated scopes corresponding to the security policy you selected. See Obtain the Scope and Identify the Applicable Scope for the Selected Security Policy. For example:,
  4. If you selected Authorization Code Credentials:
    1. In the Client Id field, enter the client ID that you obtained after performing the steps in the prerequisites section. See Obtain the Client ID and Client Secret.
    2. In the Client Secret field, enter the client secret that you obtained after performing the steps in the prerequisites section. See Obtain the Client ID and Client Secret.
    3. In the Scope field, enter comma-separated scopes corresponding to the security policy you selected. See Obtain the Scope and Identify the Applicable Scope for the Selected Security Policy. For example:,


      The Scope field is not marked with an asterisk (*). This incorrectly implies that this field is not mandatory. This field is mandatory.
    4. Click Provide Consent. You are redirected to the eBay login page.
    5. Log in to the eBay account with your credentials.
    6. On the Grant Application Access page, click I Agree.
    7. Click Save.

Test the Connection

Test your connection to ensure that it's configured successfully.

  1. In the page title bar, click Test. What happens next depends on whether your adapter connection uses a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file. Only some adapter connections use WSDLs.
    If Your Connection... Then...

    Doesn't use a WSDL

    The test starts automatically and validates the inputs you provided for the connection.

    Uses a WSDL

    A dialog prompts you to select the type of connection testing to perform:

    • Validate and Test: Performs a full validation of the WSDL, including processing of the imported schemas and WSDLs. Complete validation can take several minutes depending on the number of imported schemas and WSDLs. No requests are sent to the operations exposed in the WSDL.

    • Test: Connects to the WSDL URL and performs a syntax check on the WSDL. No requests are sent to the operations exposed in the WSDL.

  2. Wait for a message about the results of the connection test.
    • If the test was successful, then the connection is configured properly.
    • If the test failed, then edit the configuration details you entered. Check for typos, verify URLs and credentials, and download the diagnostic logs for additional details. Continue to test until the connection is successful.
  3. When complete, click Save.