Import Financial Journal Entries from Amazon S3 to Oracle ERP Cloud

Use this recipe to import financial journal entries from an Amazon S3 location to Oracle ERP Cloud. The recipe uses File-Based Data Integration (FBDI).


This recipe is available as Oracle ERP Cloud — Amazon S3 | Import Financial Journal Entries in the Integration Store. Oracle provides this recipe as a sample only. The recipe is meant only for guidance, and is not warranted to be error-free. No support is provided for this recipe.


This recipe reads a file from an Amazon S3 location, does a simple transformation, and then imports the financial journal entries into Oracle ERP Cloud.

The message flow of business data goes from Amazon S3 through Oracle Integration to Oracle ERP Cloud, and then back to the Amazon S3 location.

The integration uses a scheduled orchestration pattern to download the file from the Amazon S3 location, process it, and import it into Oracle ERP Cloud. In a scheduled orchestration, you can configure when and how often the download occurs.

The import process records the results in a log file. To send this log file back to the Amazon S3 location, the integration uses an app-driven orchestration. The trigger to start an app-driven orchestration is based on an event happening. In this case, the log file is ready for export.

The integration uses the standard REST and Oracle ERP Cloud Adapters available in Oracle Integration.

System and Access Requirements

  • Oracle Integration, Version (190624.1100.29532) or later

  • Oracle Fusion Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning, Version 19A ( or later

  • Amazon S3

Install, Configure, and Run the Recipe

For more information and steps to install, configure, and run recipes, see Get Started with Integration Accelerators and Recipes.