Activate and Run the Recipe

After you've configured the connections and the integration flow, activate the recipe and run it.

  1. On the Configuration Editor page, click Activate in the title bar. In the Activate Package dialog, click Activate again.
    A confirmation message is displayed informing that the integration has been submitted for activation. Refresh the page to view the updated status of the integration.
  2. Update the integration property values.
    Configure the property values necessary for the successful execution of the integration.

    Using the property values, you can specify the FTP server directory from which the files must be read, the format of the files to be read, and the Oracle NetSuite directory into which the files must be written.

    1. On the Configuration Editor page, select the integration flow.
    2. Click Actions Actions icon, then click Update Property Values.
    3. In the Update Property Values pane, enter the appropriate values for the following integration properties.
      Click on a property row to expand it, and enter a suitable value in the New Value field. Repeat for all property rows.
      • FTPDirectory: Specify the path of the directory on your FTP server from where the files must be read. For example: /home/user2/FTP. See Access Your FTP Server and Upload the Files.
      • FolderInternalId: Specify the internal ID of the Oracle NetSuite directory into which the files must be written. For example: 705. See Configure NetSuite.
      • FileNamePattern: Enter the format of the files to be read from the FTP server. For example: *.pdf or *.* and so on.
      • NotificationMail (Optional): Enter an email ID on which you'd like to be notified about the errors in the integration's execution.
    4. Click Submit.
      A confirmation message is displayed informing that the integration properties have been updated successfully.
  3. Run the recipe.
    The recipe is now ready to use. Run it to import your files from the FTP server to the NetSuite instance.
    1. On the Configuration Editor page, select the integration flow.
    2. Click Run Run icon, then click Submit Now.
    3. In the resulting dialog, click Submit Now again. Note that the Ad hoc request radio button is selected by default.
      You've now successfully submitted the integration for execution.
  4. Log in to your NetSuite instance and check for the imported file(s) in your File Cabinet folder.