Before You Install the Recipe

You must perform the following configuration tasks on your Oracle NetSuite instance and FTP server in order to successfully connect to these external systems using Oracle Integration and transfer files between them.

  1. Access Your FTP Server and Upload the Files
  2. Configure NetSuite

Access Your FTP Server and Upload the Files

Obtain an sFTP server and ensure that you're able to access it.

  1. Log in to the server using your user name and password through an FTP client; for example, FileZilla.
  2. Create a directory (ftp-ns-transfer) on the server from which to read the files. Note down the path of this directory.
  3. Upload a sample file (test-file.pdf) into the directory you've created. Note down the format of the file.

Configure NetSuite

To access NetSuite using Oracle Integration and copy files, you must perform certain configuration tasks on your NetSuite instance.

To successfully connect to NetSuite, you must perform certain general configurations on your NetSuite instance and some configurations specific to the security policy you'll use to connect. In this recipe, you'll use the token-based authentication (TBA) security policy.

In addition, you must create a directory in the NetSuite File Cabinet into which you'll copy the files from the FTP server.

Log in to your NetSuite instance as an Administrator and execute the following tasks.

  1. Perform the general configurations necessary to connect to NetSuite. See Enable Features on Oracle NetSuite and Assemble the Oracle NetSuite WSDL URL.
  2. Perform the TBA-related configuration tasks. See Prerequisites for the Token-Based Authentication Security Policy.

    Grant the following permissions to the role you'll create in this step.

    Tab Name Permission Level


    Documents and Files



    SOAP Web Services



    User Access Tokens


  3. Create a directory in the NetSuite File Cabinet to hold the imported files.
    1. On the NetSuite home page, select Documents, then Files, and then File Cabinet.
    2. On the File Cabinet page, click New Folder.
    3. On the Document Folder page:
      1. Enter a name for the folder, for example, ftp-ns.
      2. Click Save.

      The folder is created, and the folder's page is displayed.

    4. Return to the File Cabinet page. Select Documents, then Files, and then File Cabinet from the ribbon.
    5. Note down the INTERNAL ID value displayed next to your directory. If the INTERNAL ID column is not displayed in your File Cabinet, you must enable it. See Setting the Internal ID Preference in Oracle NetSuite.