Install and Configure the Recipe

On your Oracle Integration instance, install the recipe package to deploy and configure the integration and associated resources.

  1. On the Oracle Integration home page, scroll to the Accelerators & Recipes section.
  2. Click Search All.
  3. Find the recipe package that you want to install.
  4. Select the package, and then click the Install Install icon icon.
  5. After the package is installed, click the Configure Configure icon icon on the recipe card to configure the resources deployed by the package.

    The Configuration Editor page opens, displaying all the resources of the recipe package. Configure the following resources before you activate and run the recipe.

Configure the Oracle FTP Read-Write Connection

  1. On the Configuration Editor page, select Oracle FTP Read Write Connection.
  2. Click Edit Edit icon.
    The connection configuration page appears.
  3. In the Connection Properties section, enter the following details.
    Field Information to Enter
    FTP Server Host Address Enter the host address of your sFTP server.
    FTP Server Port Enter 22.
    SFTP Connection Select Yes from the list.
  4. In the Security section, enter the following details.
    Field Information to Enter
    Security Policy Select FTP Server Access Policy.
    User Name Enter the user name to connect to your sFTP server.
    Password Enter the password to connect to your sFTP server.
  5. Click Save. If prompted, click Save for a second time.
  6. Click Test to ensure that your connection is successfully configured. In the resulting dialog, click Test again.
    A confirmation message is displayed if your test is successful.
  7. Click Back Back icon to return to the Configuration Editor page. Click Save again if prompted.

Configure the Oracle NetSuite Connection

  1. On the Configuration Editor page, select Oracle NetSuite Connection.
  2. Click Edit Edit icon.
    The connection configuration page appears.
  3. In the Connection Properties section, enter the following details.
    Field Information to Enter

    Enter the NetSuite WSDL URL; for example,<NetSuite_application_version>/netsuite.wsdl.

    where <NetSuite_application_version> is the version of the NetSuite application. For example, v2015_1_0. See Assemble the Oracle NetSuite WSDL URL.

  4. In the Security section, enter the following details.
    Field Information to Enter
    Security Policy Select Token Based Authentication.
    Consumer Key Enter the consumer key of the integration record in Oracle NetSuite. See Create an Integration Record for Oracle Integration.
    Consumer Secret Enter the consumer secret of the integration record in Oracle NetSuite.
    Token Enter the token ID provided by Oracle NetSuite. See Create an Access Token for the User Account.
    Token Secret Enter the token secret provided by Oracle NetSuite.
    Account ID Enter your Oracle NetSuite account identifier. See Make a Note of the NetSuite Account ID.


    You must enter this information in capital letters.
  5. Click Save. If prompted, click Save for a second time.
  6. Click Test to ensure that your connection is successfully configured.
    A confirmation message is displayed if your test is successful.
  7. Click Back Back icon to return to the Configuration Editor page. Click Save again if prompted.

Configure the Integration

Create a schedule for your integration to pick up files from the FTP server at a date, time, and frequency of your choosing.

  1. On the Configuration Editor page, select the integration.
  2. Click Actions Actions icon, then click Add Schedule.
    The page for defining the execution schedule is displayed.
  3. For this example, let's create a basic schedule, so leave the Simple radio button selected under the Define recurrence section.
  4. In the Frequency field, select Hours and Minutes, and change the hours field to 6.
    You've now created a schedule that runs the integration every six hours. Similarly, you can schedule the integration to run on particular days or weeks.
  5. Additionally, you can specify the start and end dates for this schedule. In the This schedule is effective section, click the From field and select Modify start date to specify a date and time from when this schedule should run. Similarly, specify an expiry date and time in the Until field. In addition, you can also specify your preferred timezone.
  6. Click Save, and then click Back Back icon twice to return to the Configuration Editor page. To create advanced schedules, see Define the Integration Schedule.