Questions? Ask Oracle Assistant

Oracle Assistant is a digital assistant that can answer common questions about Oracle Integration. If you have questions about Oracle Integration, ask Oracle Assistant.

Oracle Assistant joined Oracle Integration in August 2021 and was developed using Oracle Digital Assistant. You can ask questions in full sentences and Oracle Assistant will try getting the best answer for you, even searching the product documentation. You can ask general questions about Oracle Integration or specific questions about Integrations, Process, Integration Insight, File Server, B2B, or Visual Builder.

When you ask questions, try to be as specific as you can in what you're looking for. For example, if you're looking for information on three-legged Oauth configuration, tell the assistant "Oauth three-legged configuration", instead of "Oauth integration". You'll get better answers that way.

Oracle Assistant is constantly improving, so the assistant does get better with time. The more you use the assistant, the more the assistant improves.

You can tell Oracle Assistant:
  • "Find" with a keyword to immediately search the product documentation for information.
  • "Not helpful", to make a note so that the team can improve Oracle Assistant.
If you want to move the icon a different place on the page, click on it and drag it to a new position.