Uninstall Accelerators and Recipes

Uninstalling an accelerator or a recipe deletes the package and all its integrations.

You can't uninstall accelerators or recipes if there's an integration in the package that has a status of ACTIVE or LOCKED.
Be careful when uninstalling a recipe. You can edit the integrations in a recipe. Note that you'll lose your changes when the integrations are deleted during the uninstall process. Although you can re-install the recipe, the integrations will be the original ones, not your modified ones.
You can't edit the integrations in an accelerator. In this case, you can re-install to restore an accelerator package.
To uninstall an accelerator or a recipe:
  1. Find the accelerator or recipe that you want to uninstall.
  2. Hover over the accelerator or recipe card and click Uninstall Uninstall icon.
  3. Select which version you want to uninstall, then click Uninstall.