Before You Install the Recipe

You must perform the following configuration tasks on your Apache Kafka and Amazon S3 instances in order to connect to these external systems using Oracle Integration and successfully export messages from Apache Kafka into an Amazon S3 bucket.

  1. Configure Apache Kafka
  2. Configure Amazon S3

Configure Apache Kafka

Complete the following configuration tasks to successfully connect to Apache Kafka from Oracle Integration and export messages.

The steps below assume that you're using Confluent as your Apache Kafka instance host.

  1. Log in to Confluent at
  2. In the Confluent Environments page, click the environment you want to use.
  3. In the resulting page, select the cluster that you want to use.
  4. Get the Apache Kafka API credentials.
    1. Expand Data integration on the left navigation pane, and click API keys.
    2. In the API keys page, click Add key.
    3. In the Create key window, select Global access and then click Next.
      The API credentials are displayed on the resulting page.
    4. Note the API credentials, that is the API Key and Secret. You will need these values while configuring the Apache Kafka connection in Oracle Integration.
      • Click the Copy key icon next to Key and note down the API key.
      • Click the Copy key icon next to Secret and note down the Secret.
    5. Select the check box I have saved my API key and secret and am ready to continue.
    6. Click Save.
  5. Get the Apache Kafka Cluster Bootstrap Server URL.
    1. In the left navigation pane, expand Cluster overview and then click Cluster settings.
    2. In the Identification section, copy and note the Bootstrap server value.
      You'll need this value while configuring the Apache Kafka connection in Oracle Integration.
  6. Obtain the truststore file and password, and the keystore file and password. For details, see step 2 in Configure Kafka Confluent Support.
    You'll need these values while configuring the Apache Kafka connection in Oracle Integration.

In addition to the above configuration tasks, you have to ensure that you create a topic in your Apache Kafka instance to store messages or events. For detail information, see the Apache Kafka Quickstart (

Configure Amazon S3

Complete the following configuration tasks to successfully connect to Amazon S3 from Oracle Integration and export Apache Kafka messages into an Amazon S3 bucket.

  1. Log in to your AWS Management Console at
  2. Get your AWS access keys.
    1. In the top navigation bar, choose your user name, and then click My Security Credentials from the menu.
    2. On the Security Credentials page, expand the Access keys (access key ID and secret access key) section.
    3. Create an access key by clicking Create New Access Key.
      If the Create New Access Key button is disabled, delete one of the existing access keys and try again.
    4. Click Download Key File to download the access key ID and secret access key, and save it as a .CSV file to a secure location on your computer.
  3. Set up your Amazon S3 bucket where you want the Apache Kafka messages to be exported as JSON files.
    1. In the AWS Management Console, enter S3 in the search field at the top.
    2. Select S3 (Scalable Storage in the Cloud) from the search results.
      The Amazon S3 page appears.
    3. Select an existing bucket.
      • Scroll to the Buckets section. All available buckets are listed under it.
      • Select a bucket.
    4. Alternatively, create and choose a new bucket.
      • Click Create bucket.
      • In the Create bucket dialog, enter a unique name for the bucket, for example oracle-kafka.
      • In the AWS Region field, select a region from the drop-down list.
      • Click Create bucket. The new bucket is listed under the Buckets section.
      • Select the bucket.
  4. Note the AWS Region of the bucket. You will need this information when you configure the REST Amazon S3 connection from Oracle Integration.
    • Select the bucket.
    • Click the Properties tab, and note the AWS Region of the bucket.