Before You Install the Recipe

You must perform the following configuration tasks on your Oracle ERP Cloud, Apache Kafka, and Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP) instances in order to successfully connect to these external systems using Oracle Integration and achieve synchronization.

  1. Configure Oracle ERP Cloud
  2. Configure Apache Kafka
  3. Configure Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP)

Configure Oracle ERP Cloud

To access the Oracle ERP Cloud (or Oracle Procurement Cloud) instance from Oracle Integration, you'll require a separate user account on Oracle ERP Cloud.

Log in to your Oracle ERP Cloud instance as an Administrator and perform the following tasks.

  1. Create a user account for Oracle Integration. Make a note of the user name and password you set for the account. You'll use the credentials of this user account to connect to Oracle ERP Cloud from Oracle Integration.
  2. Assign the following roles/privileges to the user account. For more information, see Assign Required Roles to an Integration User in Using the Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter with Oracle Integration.
    • Integration Specialist
    • AttachmentsUser
In addition to creating a separate user account and assigning roles/privileges to it, you have to enable supplier events from Oracle ERP Cloud. See Enable Supplier Events.

Enable Supplier Events

To get the required supplier data updates from Oracle Procurement Cloud, you need to subscribe to supplier Create/Update events in Oracle ERP Cloud.

The Supplier Create/Update events include the Supplier Number and SupplierID attributes in the output payload. Oracle Integration uses the event attributes to invoke the Supplier REST API and get the required supplier data updates from Oracle Procurement Cloud.
  1. Log in to your Oracle ERP Cloud instance.
  2. Click My Enterprise from the navigator on the home page, and then click Feature Updates.
  3. In the Features Overview page, select the Available Features tab.
  4. Enter Suppliers in the functional area search field.
    All available features that belong to the suppliers functional area get listed.
  5. In the row for the feature Enabled Outbound Supplier Profile Integration Using Oracle Cloud, click Enabled.
  6. In the resulting window, select the Enable check box for the feature Enable Outbound Supplier Profile Integration Using Oracle Cloud.
  7. Click Done.

Configure Apache Kafka

Complete certain configuration tasks to successfully connect to Apache Kafka from Oracle Integration and achieve synchronization.

For more information, see Prerequisites for Creating a Connection in Using the Apache Kafka Adapter with Oracle Integration.

  1. Get the Apache Kafka Cluster Bootstrap Server URL.

    For more information, see Prerequisites for Creating a Connection in Using the Apache Kafka Adapter with Oracle Integration.

  2. Install the Connectivity Agent
  3. Create an Apache Kafka Topic

Install the Connectivity Agent

As Apache Kafka is hosted on-premise and is behind a firewall, you must install and configure the connectivity agent to allow Apache Kafka to interact with applications in the cloud.

Before you install the connectivity agent, review the following:

To install and configure the connectivity agent:

  1. Create an agent group.
    Note the agent group as you will need to select it while configuring the Apache Kafka connection from Oracle Integration.
  2. Download and install the connectivity agent.

Create an Apache Kafka Topic

  1. From the command prompt execute the following command to create a topic named supplier_topic:
    kafka-topics.bat --zookeeper --topic supplier_topic --create –partitions 3 --replication-factor 1
    You get a message that the topic is created.
  2. To view the topic you just created, execute the following command:
    kafka-topics.bat --zookeeper –list
    A list of topics, including the supplier_topic that you created, is displayed.

Configure Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP)

Complete certain configuration tasks to successfully connect to Oracle ATP from Oracle Integration.

The following steps give an overview of the tasks you need to perform to obtain information and details for configuring the Oracle ATP connection property and security from Oracle Integration. For detail information, see Prerequisites for Creating a Connection in Using the Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing Adapter with Oracle Integration.

  1. Download the client credentials wallet.
    This is a zip file containing the client security credentials. By default the file name is Wallet_<databasename>.zip. You can save this file as any file name you want.
  2. Get the database service name.
    Note that the service name must be same as the one in the tnsnames.ora file in the client credential wallet.
  3. Get the wallet password.
    You'll be prompted to enter a wallet password while downloading the client credentials wallet. Note the password as you'll need it while configuring the Oracle ATP connection security from Oracle Integration.
In addition to the above configuration tasks, you need to set up a database table in your Oracle ATP instance to synchronize supplier information. See Create an Oracle ATP Database Table.

Create an Oracle ATP Database Table

  1. Log in to your Oracle Autonomous Database (Transaction Processing) instance.
  2. Navigate to the Service console, and in the left Autonomous Transaction Processing navigation menu, click Development.
  3. Click Database Actions.
  4. In the Database Actions page, under the Development section, click SQL.
  5. Using data definition language define and create your database object - a database table named v_Supplier - and specify the fields as shown in the table below.
    Field Name Data Type Not Null Primary Key
    v_SupplierId number Yes Yes
    v_SupplierName varchar2(20) - -
    v_SupplierNumber number - -
    v_BusinessRelationship varchar2(20) - -
    v_Status varchar2(20) - -
    v_DUNSNumber int - -
    v_TaxRegistrationNumber varchar2(20) - -
    v_TaxpayerId varchar2(20) - -
    v_TaxpayerCountryCode varchar2(20) - -
    v_SupplierTypeCode varchar2(20) - -
    v_TaxOrganizationType varchar2(20) - -