Before You Install the Recipe

You must perform the following configuration tasks on your Marketo and Slack instances in order to connect to these external systems using Oracle Integration and successfully post notification messages in Slack for new Marketo leads.

  1. Configure Marketo
  2. Configure Slack

Configure Marketo

Complete the following tasks in your Marketo instance to successfully connect to it from Oracle Integration.

  1. Create an API only user role.
  2. Create a customer service.
  3. Obtain the Client ID and Client Secret.
  4. Obtain the Munchkin ID.
For detail information on the above steps, see Prerequisites for Creating a Connection in Using the Marketo Adapter with Oracle Integration.

Configure Slack

Complete the following tasks in your Slack instance to successfully connect to it using Oracle Integration and post notification messages.

  1. Create and Configure a Slack App
  2. Set Up Your Slack WorkSpace and Channel
  3. Get the Slack Channel ID

Create and Configure a Slack App

You have to create a Slack app, and configure it to receive notifications for new leads in Marketo.

  1. Create a Slack App.
    1. Log in to the Slack app platform at
    2. In the Slack API title bar, click Your Apps.
    3. Click Create an App, and in the resulting Create an app dialog, select From scratch.
    4. In the Name app & choose workspace dialog, enter the following details.
      Field Information to Enter
      App Name Enter the name of your app. For example, Oracle Integration App.
      Pick a workspace to develop your app in Select your workspace from the drop-down list.
    5. Click Create App.
      The app gets created and its Basic Information page appears.
  2. Get the Slack App API credentials.
    1. In the app's Basic Information page, scroll down to the App Credentials section.
    2. Note the client ID in the Client ID field, and the client secret in the Client Secret field.
      These API credentials, that is the client ID and secret, were automatically generated when you created the app. You'll use these later while configuring connections to your Slack instance from Oracle Integration.
  3. Set permission and scope for your Slack App.
    1. In the left menu, under Features, select OAuth & Permissions.
    2. In the OAuth & Permissions page, go to the Redirect URLs section.
    3. Click Add New Redirect URL and enter the URL of your Oracle Integration instance. For example, https://your_instance_URL:443/icsapis/agent/oauth/callback, where your_instance_URL is the Host URL of your Oracle Integration instance.
    4. Click Add, and then click Save URLs.
    5. Scroll to the Scopes section, and under User Token Scopes click Add an OAuth Scope.
    6. Enter chat:write.
    7. Press Enter.

Set Up Your Slack WorkSpace and Channel

You have to set up a workspace in Slack, create a channel in the workspace, and then add people into the channel who should receive notification messages for events in the Amazon S3 bucket.

  1. Create a workspace in Slack.
    1. Open the Slack get started page using the following URL:
    2. Enter your email and click Continue.
    3. Enter the confirmation code that you receive in your email, click Create a workspace, and follow the prompts.
  2. Create a channel to post notifications.
    1. On your Slack instance, select your workspace.
    2. Click the workspace name on the left navigation pane, and from the menu that displays, select Create a channel.
    3. In the Create a channel dialog, enter your channel’s name in the Name field. For example, #marketo-leads.
    4. Optionally, enter a suitable description in the Description field to let others know what the channel is about.
    5. Click Create.
  3. Add people to your channel.
    1. On your Slack workspace, select the channel from the left navigation pane to open it.
    2. Click Add people Add people on the top right of the channel.
    3. In the resulting Add people dialog, enter names, emails, or user groups of people you want to add in the field provided.
    4. Click Add.

Get the Slack Channel ID

You must get the channel ID of the channel that you created on your Slack workspace. You'll use the channel ID for configuring the integration properties in Oracle Integration, so that notifications are sent to the right Slack channel.

  1. On your Slack workspace, navigate to the channel under Channels in the left navigation pane.
  2. Right-click the channel name.
  3. In the menu that displays, click Copy link.
  4. Copy the link to a text editor, such as Notepad.
  5. Note the nine characters after the last forward slash (/) in the link. This is the channel ID of the Slack channel.
    Note that the channel ID can be a combination of letters and numbers. For example, CB64YSB2D.