Before You Install the Recipe

You must perform the following configuration tasks on your ServiceNow instance and Box instance in order to connect to these external systems using Oracle Integration and successfully create folders in Box for ServiceNow incidents.

  1. Configure ServiceNow
  2. Configure Box

Configure ServiceNow

You can use admin account credentials or custom account credentials while configuring the ServiceNow connection in Oracle Integration.

If you do not want to use an admin account, then create a custom integration user and assign the required role and permissions to the user. For information about creating a custom user, see Prerequisites for Creating a Connection in Using the ServiceNow Adapter with Oracle Integration.

You must also create a custom field to store the Id of the Box folder that gets created for new ServiceNow incident. See Create a Custom Field for Box Folder IDs.

Create a Custom Field for Box Folder IDs

This recipe uses unique IDs associated with folders in Box to create Box folders for ServiceNow incidents. Create a custom field for ServiceNow incidents to hold the Box folder IDs.

  1. Log in to your ServiceNow | Developer instance.
  2. On the left navigation pane, enter Incident in the Filter navigator field.
    The Self Service menu displays all modules related to Incident.
  3. In the Self Service menu, click Incidents.
  4. In the Incidents window, click New.
  5. From the available options in the Incident menu, click Configure and then click Table.
  6. Fill in the required fields, such as Name and Label.
  7. Click the Columns tab, and then click New to create a new table column.
  8. In the Type field, search for String, and select String from the search results.
  9. Enter the following details:
    1. In the Column label field, enter the column label. For example, box_Id.
    2. In the Column name field, enter the column name. For example, u_box_id.
    3. In the Max length field, enter a value. For example, 255.
  10. Click Submit.

Configure Box

You must complete the following prerequisite tasks to connect to Box from Oracle Integration, and to create folders for new ServiceNow incidents under the right parent folder in Box.

  1. Create and Configure a Box App
  2. Create a Parent Folder in Box
  3. Get the Parent Folder ID

Create and Configure a Box App

You have to create an app on the Box platform and configure it to successfully connect to Box from Oracle Integration.

  1. Log in to the Box Developer console at
  2. Create a custom app.
    1. Click Create New App.
    2. In the resulting page to choose the application type, select Custom App.
    3. In the Custom App dialog, select the option User Authentication (OAuth 2.0).
    4. Enter a unique name for your app in the App Name field.
    5. Click Create App.
      The Box app's configuration page appears.
  3. Get the OAuth 2.0 credentials.
    1. In the Box app's configuration page, scroll to the OAuth 2.0 Credentials section.
    2. Copy the client ID from the Client ID field, and the client secret from the Client Secret field.
    3. Note the Client ID and Secret. You'll need these later while configuring the Box connection from Oracle Integration.
  4. Specify the redirect URL.
    1. In the Box app's configuration page, scroll to the OAuth 2.0 Redirect URI section.
    2. In the Redirect URI field, enter the OAuth callback URL of your Oracle Integration instance. Your redirect URI should have the following syntax:

      where, Oracle-Integration-instance's-FQDN is the fully qualified domain name of your Oracle Integration instance, for example,

  5. Get the Signature Keys.
    1. Click the Webhooks tab on the top of the page.
    2. Click Generate Key to generate the primary and the secondary keys.
    3. Copy the primary and the secondary keys.
    4. Note the values of the primary and secondary keys. You'll need these later while configuring the Box connection from Oracle Integration.
      For more information about signature keys, see Get Signature Keys in Using the Box Adapter with Oracle Integration.

Create a Parent Folder in Box

You must create a parent folder in Box. All folders for new ServiceNow incidents will be created under this parent folder.

  1. Log in to your Box account at
  2. Click New on the top right side of the All Files page.
  3. From the menu that displays, click Folder.
  4. In the Create a New Folder dialog, enter a suitable name in the Folder Name field.
  5. Optionally, if you want other people to access the folder, enter their email addresses in the Invite Additional People field. Use a comma between each email address.
    To control other people's level of access, select the appropriate role (co-owner, editor, viewer, and so on) from the drop-down list in the Permission field. Click Learn More next to the field to know about the roles and their capabilities.
  6. Click Create.
The folder gets created and is displayed on the All Files page.

Get the Parent Folder ID

You have to get the ID of the parent folder in Box, and pass it to the integration properties in Oracle Integration, so that folders for new ServiceNow incidents are created under the right parent folder.

  1. Log in to your Box account at
  2. On the All Files page of your Box instance, search and locate the parent folder that you created.
  3. Hover your mouse on the parent folder.
  4. Note the link that appears below on the left side of the page. For example,
  5. The number after the last forward slash (/) in the link is the folder ID. Note the folder ID. You’ll use this later while updating the integration properties in Oracle Integration.