Inbound Message Processing

This section describes the high-level steps involved in processing an inbound B2B message.

This image is described in the table immediately below.

Step Description
1 A message sent or a file dropped in an FTP location by your trading partner arrives at the adapter endpoint (AS2 or FTP). It receives and unpacks the message.
2 The message is translated from EDI to a canonical XML format and persisted in the Oracle Integration persistence store. A unique ID is assigned to it.
3 Based on the current message type and the inbound agreements defined for the trading partner, an appropriate inbound backend integration is triggered. The message ID is handed to it.
4 The backend integration instance starts and receives the message ID at its REST trigger endpoint.
5 The backend integration, given the message ID, retrieves the translated canonical XML message from the Oracle Integration persistence store. It uses the B2B fetch message operation to retrieve it.
6 The canonical XML is further transformed to a backend application message.
7 Using an application adapter, the backend application message is sent to your backend application.
8 Your backend application now consumes the business transaction sent by your trading partner. Further processing is performed.

Design an Inbound Backend Integration

An inbound backend integration is triggered automatically by the B2B integration for receiving messages using a local integration invoke (that is, call an integration) action. For it to be triggered correctly, the backend integration must adhere to an API contract that requires:
  • The integration must have a REST Adapter trigger configured for OAuth 2.0.
  • The REST Adapter trigger must use / as the resource URI (that is, a root resource URI).
  • The REST Adapter trigger must use a specific request payload schema, given in step 1(e).
  • The REST Adapter trigger must not return a response; it must be asynchronous. This allows the B2B integration for receiving messages to be unblocked quickly and continue processing, even though the backend integration may take time to process.

This backend integration is given a collection of message IDs, in the form of repeating b2b-message-reference elements. A collection is necessary when your trading partner sends a batched message (that is, in one message or file, there may be multiple business documents). The B2B integration for receiving messages automatically splits the message into multiple documents and returns one b2b-message-reference element for each one. A maximum chunk of 200 records is provided at a time to the backend integration. If the inbound message has more documents, the backend integration may be called multiple times with chunks of 200.

  1. Create the integration and configure the REST Adapter trigger.
    1. Select an App Driven Orchestration integration pattern. Give it any name. For this example, Backend - Inbound Purchase Orders is used).
    2. Add a REST Adapter trigger using the Sample REST Endpoint Interface (or using any other REST Adapter trigger connection that uses the OAuth 2.0 Or Basic Authentication security policy).
    3. Enter Receive-B2B-Msg (or any other name) as the name of the trigger connection.
    4. On the Resource Configuration page, enter / as the resource URI, select the POST action, and enable the Configure a request payload for this endpoint checkbox.
      The Resource Configuration tab is selected in the left navigation pane. The page includes fields for Provide an operation name, What does this operation do, What is the endpoint's relative resource URI, What action do you want to perform on the endpoint, and Select any options that you want to configure, for which the value of Configure a request payload for this endpoint is selected.

    5. On the Request Parameters page, select JSON Sample and paste the JSON provided below as an inline sample.
      The Request tab is selected in the left navigation pane. The values for Operation Name, Resource URI, and HTTP Method are displayed at the top. Below this are fields for Select the multipart attachment processing options, Select the request payload format (JSON Sample is selected), Choose File, and What is the media-type of Request Body? (Content-Type Header). For this last field, JSON is the selected value.

        "type": "MSG",
        "id": "12345",
        "direction": "INBOUND",
        "trading-partner": "ACME",
        "document-definition": "PO_850",
        "message": [
            "b2b-message-reference": "biz:0AC400D117503A8246000000347849EB"
            "b2b-message-reference": "biz:0AC400D117503A8246000000347849EA"


      In the above JSON sample, the structure is important. The values are just placeholders or representative values.
    6. Click Next to access the Summary page to review your selections, then click Done.
  2. Place a for-each action after the REST Adapter trigger.
  3. Select request-wrapper > message as the Repeating Element and enter Current-Msg as the Current Element Name value.
    The For Each action shows View, Filter, and Detach elements on the left. Below this is the Source tree, Find field, and Search icon. The message element is selected. On the right are the Name, Description, Repeating Element, and Current Element Name fields.

  4. Add a scope inside the for-each action and name it (for this example, named Handle-One-Message).
  5. Add a B2B action configured with a Fetch Message operation inside the scope. The B2B action appears in the palette under Actions > Data.
    1. Enter a name (for this example, named Fetch-Message), select B2B Trading Partner mode, and click Next.
      The Basic Info page of the Configure B2B Action wizard is shown. The fields shown are What do you want to call this B2B action, What does this B2B action do, and Select a mode, for which B2B Trading Partner Mode is selected.

    2. Select Inbound as the direction and Fetch Message as the operation. Click Next.
      The Select Operation page of the Configure B2B Action wizard is shown. The fields shown are Select the B2B message direction this integration will handle (a value of Inbound is selected) and Choose an operation this action should perform (the Fetch Message option is selected).

    3. On the Select Data Formats page, select a document definition from the drop-down list that this backend integration is handling.

      Existing B2B documents are displayed in the drop-down list for selection. Alternately click Search to select a B2B document by document standard, version, and type.
      The Select Data Formats page of the Configure B2B Action wizard is shown. The field shown is Document Definition. A value of Advance Ship Notice is selected. Below this is a description of this value.

    4. Click Next once you make the selection.
    5. In the Summary Page, review your selections, and click Done.

      The integration looks as follows.
      The integration shows a REST Adapter, a for-each action that includes a mapper, and a B2B action, and an end icon.

    6. Configure the mapper to Fetch-Message.

      Expand Current-Msg and map its B 2b Message Reference to the B2B Message Reference of FetchMessageInput.
      The mapper shows Designer, Code, Test and Recommend icons on the left side. Below this is the Source tree of elements. B 2b Message Reference is selected and connects in the Target tree to B2B Message Reference. In the middle is the Mapping Canvas section. Above the Target tree are the Developer, XSLT, View, and Filter icons. To the right of the Filter icon are four additional icons. Above this are the Close and Validate buttons.

    7. Close and apply changes to the mapper.
  6. Add a scope level fault handler.

    This handler is added so that if the message fails to be processed by the backend application, the corresponding transaction is marked as Failed in the B2B Tracking > Business Messages view (instead of Success).

    1. Click Fault Hander > Default Handler for the scope. Initially it is empty, as shown below.
      The integration shows a REST Adapter, for-each action, empty fault handler, and end icon.

    2. Place a B2B action inside the fault handler and name it (for this example, Mark-As-Error). Click Next.
    3. Select Inbound as the direction and Mark As Error as the operation. Click Next.
      The Select Operation page of the Configure B2B Action wizard is shown. The fields shown are Select the B2B message direction this integration will handle (a value of Inbound is selected) and Choose an operation this action should perform (the Mark As Error option is selected).

    4. On the Summary page, review your selections, and click Done.

      The fault handler now looks as follows.
      The integration shows a REST Adapter, for-each action, fault handler with a mapper and B2B action, and end icon.

    5. Configure the mapper to Mark-As-Error by mapping the following elements:
      • Source Current-Msg > Message > B 2b Message Reference to target MarkAsErrorInput > B2B Message Reference.
      • Source Handle-One-MessageFaultObject > errorCode to target MarkAsErrorInput > Error Code.
      • Source Handle-One-MessageFaultObject > reason to target MarkAsErrorInput > Reason of the error, and in the Expression Builder, enter:
        concat('Failed to send the message to the backend application, cause: ', $Handle-One-MessageFaultObject/nsmpr0:fault/nsmpr0:reason)
      • Source Handle-One-MessageFaultObject > details to target MarkAsErrorInput > Error Details.
        The mapper shows the Source tree of elements. The reason element is selected and connects in the Target tree to Reason of the error. In the middle is the Mapping Canvas section.

    6. Save and apply the mapping.
    7. Exit the fault handler by clicking The.
  7. Add actions to call a backend application.

    Add one or more actions inside the scope to send the business message to a backend application.
    The integration shows a REST Adapter; for-each action; a scope with a mapper, B2B action, mapper, and REST Adapter; and end icon.

    In the example above, a REST Adapter invoke connection sends the message to a backend application. To use with your specific backend application, you have many application adapters provided in Oracle Integration that can interface with several popular backend applications. You can also use technology adapters, including REST, SOAP, JMS, AQ, File, and so on.

    The Fetch-Message Response (EDI Translation Adapter) provides you with a B2B canonical XML from which to map. Its edi-xml-document is the key element that contains the canonical form of the inbound EDI document. See Schema Elements for Inbound EDI.

    You must design the data mapping to prepare the message prior to the backend invoke. This can be a complex task. On the left-hand side is the B2B canonical XML format, represented by the edi-xml-document. On the right-hand side (not shown below) is your backend application schema for the business document. You must create mappings for the elements on the left-hand side (B2B canonical XML) to the right-hand side (backend application schema). The mappings cannot be generalized since the right-hand side is specific to a target backend application.
    The mapper shows Designer, Code, Test and Recommend icons. Below this is the Source tree of elements for Fetch-Message Response (EDI Translation Adapter).

  8. Add identifiers for integration tracking.

    Select fields from the input schema for integration tracking to complete the integration. The Business Identifiers For Tracking dialog is shown. In the upper left are the View, Filter, and Detach elements. Below this is the Source section, the Find field, and the Search icon. The orderNumber identifier is selected. On the right side is a table with columns for Primary, Tracking Field, Tracking Name, Tracking Variable, and Help Text. The trading partner identifier is the primary identifier listed. Below this are the document-definition and direction business identifiers.

  9. Save and then activate the backend integration.

Design a Backend Integration to Handle Multiple Types of Documents

The detailed steps assume you create one backend integration for each document definition that you want to handle. You can clone the integration for other document types because the basic pattern is identical.

If you want to design a single integration that handles multiple document types, add a switch action in your integration and specific routes for each document definition or trading partner. The request schema provides these elements.
The Receive-B2B-Msg Request (REST) source elements in the mapper are shown.

Each route has its own B2B Fetch Message operation, a data mapping, and an invocation call to the backend application. This design pattern is a trade-off between ease of development and operations. For example, if you need to fix a mapping for your purchase order document, you must:
  • Deactivate the backend integration that handles the purchase order document.
  • Fix the mapping.
  • Reactivate the integration.

If you had separate backend integrations for each document type, you are isolating the impact to one specific integration. Whereas, if everything is built into a single integration, you have a wider impact in a production deployment, for example.