Clone an Integration

Cloning an integration creates a new copy with identical connections and data mappings. You give the clone a new name, identifier, version number, and package name, but the remaining configuration is the same. You can reconfigure the clone after you create it. You can also clone a locked integration.


Integration versions follow a formatting convention of xx.yy.zzzz, where xx is the major version and yy.zzzz is the minor version. If you clone an integration (for example, version 1.00.0000) and change the minor version of the cloned integration to 1.10.0000, version 1.00.0000 is deactivated when you activate version to 1.10.0000. To keep both integrations active, change the major version of the cloned integration to 2.00.0000. This enables integration versions 1.00.0000 and 2.00.0000 to be active at the same time. See Create Integrations.
To clone an integration:
  1. In the left navigation pane, click Home > Integrations > Integrations.
  2. Go to the row of the integration to clone. You can filter the display of integrations by their current status on the left side of the page.
  3. Select Clone from the Actions menu menu.
  4. In the dialog that appears, enter a name, unique identifier, version number, package name, and an optional description.
    You can include English alphabetic characters, numbers, underscores, and dashes in the identifier. Enter the version using numbers only in this format: xx.xx.xxxx.
  5. Click Clone.
  6. You can modify the clone in any of the ways described in Modifying an Integration.