Troubleshoot Connection Issues

Note the following errors and troubleshooting actions when using the Oracle WebLogic JMS Adapter.

When Do You Get This Error? Message What to Check
While testing the JMS connection on the Connections page.
Error: Unable to test connection "JMSCONN". 
[Cause: CASDK-0005]CASDK-0005: A connector specific 
exception was raised by the application.No response
received within response time out window of 140 seconds.
Agent may not be running, or temporarily facing connectivity
issues to Oracle Integration. Please check the
health of the Agent in Agent Monitoring page.
Check whether the agent is up and running and the agent host is reachable.
While testing the JMS connection on the Connections page after providing the wrong JMS host credentials.
Error: Unable to test connection "JMSCONN". 
[Cause: CASDK-0005] CASDK-0005: A connector specific exception 
was raised by the application. Test connection failed. Please ensure
you are providing correct Weblogic JMS Admin host and port. Error
Details : User: weblogic, failed to be authenticated. 
Check whether the username and password used to connect to the JMS server are correct.
When selecting a ZIP file that contains a complex schema.
Error: CASDK-0003: Unable to parse the resource 
Select a valid ZIP file (in the case of complex schema support) that is not corrupt.
While getting the list of destination names (queue/topic) from the JMS server on the JMS Adapter Configuration page of the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard.
Error: JMS001: Failed to update config page: Error while
fetching JNDI destination details. Error while fetching data. No
response received within response time out window of 290 seconds
You tested the JMS connection when both the agent and JMS servers were up. However, when you go to the JMS Configuration page of the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard, one of them is down or unreachable. Ensure that both the agent and the JMS server are up and running and reachable.
When the JMS connection uses a distributed JMS server.
Error: CASDK-0005 : A connector specific exception was
raised by the application. Test connection failed. Please ensure
you are providing correct Weblogic JMS Admin host and port. Error 
Details : While trying to lookup '
domainruntime' didn't find subcontext 'management'. Resolved 'weblogic'
The port specified on the Connections page for the distributed JMS server is the admin server port of the JMS server and not the port of the cluster member.
When the destination (queue/topic) that existed at the time of designing the application may have been deleted or does not exist at the time of activation.
Error: Integration <Integration_name> cannot be 
activated. Incident has been created with ID <Integration_ID> 
[Cause: ICS-20575] 
CASDK-0005 : A connector specific exception was raised by the application.
Verify whether the queue/topic used at the time of designing the integration still exist or have been deleted.
While testing the JMS connection on the Connections page.
Error: Unable to test connection <JMS_CONNECTION_NAME>. 
[Cause: CASDK-0005]: A connector specific exception was raised by 
the application. Test connection failed. Please ensure you are providing 
correct Weblogic JMS Admin host and port. Error Details : t3://<jmshost>:
<jmsport>: Destination <jmshost>, <jmsport> unreachable; nested exception
is: Connection refused; No available router to
Ensure the following are correct:
  • The hostname and port of the JMS server entered are correct.
  • The JMS server is up and running and is reachable.