3 Processes Issues

Review Processes issues in Oracle Integration.

Known Issues in the Oracle Process Mobile App

Review known issues related to the Oracle Process Mobile app.

iOS app doesn't fully close upon signout

After signing out, the user interface appears dimmed but the app is not fully closed.

Android app doesn't fully close upon signout

After signing out and the login page displays, users can click the back button and resume tasks.

Can’t change server information if configured incorrectly

You can’t change the setup information for the server if non-working server settings have been configured in the Oracle Process Mobile app.

Note that this issue doesn’t exist if working server settings have been configured. In this case, you can sign in to the app and change the server setting in the Settings view.

However, if you entered a non-working server setting (for example, an incorrect URL address), then your sign-in will fail.

To fix the error, you must uninstall the Oracle Process Mobile app and then re-install it.


Try your server URL in a browser, verify the server is working, and confirm you can sign in. If your test is successful, copy and paste the system information, and use it to re-configure the server settings for the Oracle Process Mobile app.

Be sure to copy only the service name from the URL:


Loading indicator may stop before action completes

In the Oracle Process Mobile app, the loading indicator may stop and disappear before search results are shown, or when there are time consuming or blocking operations such as remote calls to a REST service.

This does not mean that the action has completed without results.

Known Issues in Design Time

Review known issues related to Process design time, listed by category.

Web Form Issues

Review known issues related to web forms in design time.

Update to panels may affect custom CSS layouts

Support was added for placing and positioning rows within panels and sections. This addition can affect custom CSS layouts.

Extra space shown when fields inside sections hidden

If a section contains a row with all of its children hidden, extra space shows in the form at runtime. This issue affects rows within section and repeatable section controls. It affects in-flight instances.

Use the workaround CSS below to avoid the extra space.

/** Overriding section control */
div.pcs-form-section__content>div>div.pcs-forms-row.row-control {
	padding: 0 !important;

div.pcs-form-section__content>div>div.pcs-forms-row.row-control>* {
	padding-top: 10px;
	padding-bottom: 10px;

div.pcs-form-section__content>div>div.pcs-forms-row.row-control:first-of-type>* {
	padding-top: 0;
	padding-bottom: 0;

/** Overriding repeatable section control */
div.repeatable__item__container>div>div.pcs-forms-row.row-control {
	padding: 0 !important;

div.repeatable__item__container>div>div.pcs-forms-row.row-control>* {
	padding-top: 10px;
	padding-bottom: 10px;

div.repeatable__item__container>div>div.pcs-forms-row.row-control:first-of-type>* {
	padding-top: 0;
	padding-bottom: 0;
Data association fails for same type of business objects in form

If you have two or more business objects of the same type in a form, then any data association referencing them will fail.

Dragging business objects based on XML attributes to forms may result in missing attribute fields

In a form, if you drag and drop a business object that is based on XML attributes rather than XML elements, fields based on XML attributes won’t be added to the form.

As a workaround, modify the XML schema of XSD files to use elements rather than attributes.

REST calls working correctly in embedded forms

A form’s global connectors that use control values function without errors even when the form is reused within another form.

Link value lost after submit

Link controls added to web forms lose their data binding upon task completion. The link control’s data cannot be mapped to other activities.

As a workaround, leave the label as is and the binding empty (not bound to any data attribute), instead of pointing the label and the binding to the data element. Then add an onLoad event in the control and set the value and label to the data element.

Internal REST API calls in rest connector can use logged in user credentials

Currently, when a rest connector operation executes (when loading a form or when used as a service call inside a process), credentials defined for the connector are used. In certain cases, however, you may want the logged in user's credentials used instead when loading the form to execute the operation. (The output for some internal rest calls depends on the user credentials provided.)

In this case, define the rest connector without credentials so you can use the logged in user credentials. To use the same operation as a service call in the process, define another similar rest connector with the credentials.

Note that this guidance applies to internal REST API calls only.

Not null attributes in business objects aren’t enforced

You can set an attribute in a business object as "Not Null" and invoke an instance for the process with null/blank as the value for the attribute. However, the "not null" constraint is not enforced when a task is submitted.

WSDL inner types hidden in Business Types palette

When creating a web form by dragging a business type from the Business Types palette onto the form canvas, note that any inner types defined in WSDL files are not displayed.

Enums in Business Types not generated in web forms

If you drag and drop a Business Type containing an Enum to the canvas, the Enum is not included in the automatically generated web form.

Process/Insight Issues

Review known issues related to using Insight models in processes in design time.

Insight models are not supported in dynamic processes

Developers can link an activated Integration Insight model in a structured process, but not in a dynamic process.

See Work with Integration Insight Models in Using Processes in Oracle Integration Generation 2.

Structured process must be opened after Insight model is updated

When an insight model is updated within a process application and then immediately published and activated, without opening the process, the activation fails and an error is displayed

The error displayed is similar to the following:

ReferenceTravelApprovalProcess/Services.Externals.TravelApprovalProcessWithInsight.reference does not exist as wire target - Please contact the administrator for more information.

To prevent this error, open the structured process after updating the Insight model in Process design time. See Work with Integration Insight Models in Using Processes in Oracle Integration Generation 2.

Decision Model Issues

Review known issues related to business rules in design time.

Re-add decision model business object to form after updating decision definitions

If you’ve added the input or output business object of a decision model to a web form, you’ll need to re-add this business object to the form each time the decision definitions are updated. The changes aren’t reflected automatically on the web form even if you re-activate the decision model and update the connector within the process application.

Blank page upon opening a decision model

If you’re using an older version of Firefox, you may encounter a blank page upon opening a decision model. Refresh the page to load the model successfully. Use the latest version of Firefox for a seamless experience.

Can’t change a decision name

After you create a decision component in an application, you can’t change its name.

As a workaround, you can recreate the decision component with a new name. In the process editor, you can change the name of the decision activity that references the decision component.

Canceled conditions and actions added to decision tables as blank rows

If you select Add Condition or Add Action in a decision table, then click Cancel, a blank row is added.

To delete the blank row, select the row and click the Delete icon.

Decision input icon displayed as string regardless of data type

In the Condition Browser, the icon for a string data type appears next to each decision input, even if the actual input data type is different.

Click Decision Properties to view the data types of the decision inputs and outputs.

New action value not updated if Parameterized checked

If you change the value of an action and check Parameterized, you can’t change the value again.

If you don’t check Parameterized, you can change the value.

Check Parameterized for an action that uses a value set, not an action in which you enter values individually.

Publish window reappears without any updates

The publish window reappears even if you don’t update anything in the rules activity page.

As a workaround, close the rule editor and publish. The next time publish shouldn't show any new changes.

Other Issues

Review miscellaneous known issues in design time.

UiPath Robotic Process Automation Adapter Doesn’t Display Robots with the Character ‘#’ in Their Names

While configuring the UiPath Robotic Process Automation Adapter, robots with the character ‘#’ in their names aren’t listed for selection in the Robots field.

Nested business objects created in Process Cloud Service not supported

If an application created in PCS (Process Cloud Service) has nested business objects, note that if the same application is used in Oracle Integration's Processes, those business objects will not be supported.

Unable to import business objects from JSON in Firefox

When importing business objects from JSON in Firefox, note that browser add-ons may affect import behavior. Disable plugins if you encounter issues, or use another browser.

Player not supported when process starts with a message

Clicking the Play button to test a process based on a message pattern is not supported, and a 404 error is displayed. A workaround is to add a start form before the message process to test the process using the player.

Internet Explorer 11 issue in Process design time

A browser issue displaying the Oracle Integration home page using Internet Explorer results in a blank page, which prevents developers from accessing design time functionality (Composer). The workaround is to use a different browser.

Micro process unavailable when name contains space

A space in the micro process name causes it to be unavailable. A workaround is to copy the micro process and rename it without a space in the process application.

Cannot override schema with elements not present in the target namespace

When you try to update a current schema with elements that are not present in the target namespace, then the current schema does not get updated with the changes but a new schema (XSD file with the new elements) gets created.

Fix validation error link absent for transformation errors

If a process contains an invalid transformation, then while validating the process, although the error gets displayed in the validation screen, the link to fix the error will not be available.

Workaround: Go to the Data Asssociation editor, open the specific transformation, and fix the error.

JSON created with legacy library cannot be updated

You cannot update a JSON that has been created using legacy or old library.

Workaround: Delete the existing business object and create new business object.

Dynamic process service activity support limitations

Currently, the service task activity supports only those REST services whose payload attribute names do not start with uppercase letters or contain special characters. In addition, the service task activity doesn’t support SOAP connectors.

No option to play QuickStart Apps

The play option is not displayed when you try to test a QuickStart app from its overview page.

Workaround: Switch to the Advanced View of the application and test it using the Test button on the toolbar.

Unable to share documents due to misaligned window size

You are unable to share documents because, the wrong alignment of the documents window screen does not show the Done button if opened within the Task Details pane.

Workaround: Set the screen to the normal zoom of 100% or open the documents window separately.

Recent Activity navigation may result in an error

Navigating between multiple changes by selecting them from the Recent Activity list in Composer may result in a 500 error.

Validation errors after attribute for transformation modified

When you modify a type attribute that's included as the source or target of a transformation (for example, you delete a component from a web form), the value in the cache doesn’t get updated properly in that context.

As a result, the validation produces incorrect results.

  • If you use a new attribute, then the validation fails. The validation shouldn’t fail in this case.

  • If you remove an attribute, then the validation continues to use the attribute that you deleted. As a result, the validation succeeds (when it shouldn't) but the application deployment will fail because runtime does a check at deployment, detects the missing value, and produces an error.

As a workaround, close and reopen your process application to update the types and resolve these issues.

Issue receiving intermediate messages from external applications

An issue prevents a process from receiving an intermediate message, using either CatchEvent or ReceiveTask, from outside the application.

Generally speaking, receiving callbacks from external applications do not work. Callbacks sent within the same application work.

No error message for deploying an empty application

If you create an empty application, and you deploy it from the Management page, no error message appears during deployment.

An application with no processes, web forms, or other components is deployed normally.

You must have Administrator privileges to access the Management page.

Known Issues in Runtime

Review known issues in runtime in this release of Oracle Integration.

Dragging split panel doesn't work on touch screen enabled Windows devices

The movable divider between the task list and the task details panels doesn't work on Windows touch screen enabled devices. As a workaround, users can disable touch screen settings using the Device Manager and then disable the Touchscreen option.

ClientID/secret-based authentication not supported for Integration to Process calls

Integration to Process calls that use ClientID/Secret based authentication return a 404 error. As a workaround, configure the integration to call the process using OAuth-based authentication.

Internet Explorer 11 issue in Process runtime

A browser issue displaying the Oracle Integration home page using Internet Explorer results in a blank page, which prevents end users from accessing workspace from the home page. The workaround is for end users to work on tasks and access workspace directly using /ic/process/workspace or to use another browser.

UiPath robot name with # results in activation failure

Activation fails if a UiPath robot name contains a # character in its name.

Oracle Business Intelligence Cloud Service integration deprecation

The integration between Oracle Business Intelligence Cloud Service and Processes in Oracle Integration is being deprecated.

Empty repeatable section doesn’t display in form received in email notification

If a repeatable section configured for a form is empty (no child components), then it will not be displayed in the form in runtime when the user (task assignee) receives the form as attachment in email notification.

New actionable email attributes added

When creating customized email templates to use to send notification emails for human tasks, you can include task object data in mustache templates. Task related attributes for the task object were added.

New task-related attributes include:

  • creatorId: ID of the creator of the task

  • ownerGroupId: ID of the group to which the task owner belongs

  • ownerRoleId: ID of the role of the task owner

  • ownerUserId: ID of the user who owns the task

  • acquiredBy: Name of the user who has acquired the task

  • acquiredById: ID of the user who has acquired the task

  • fromUserId: ID of the user from whom the task was acquired

  • taskNumber: Task number

  • updatedBy: Name of the user who has updated the task

  • updatedById: ID of the user who has updated the task

  • priorityNum: Priority number of the task

New process-related attributes include:

  • processName: Name of the process in which the task is present

  • instanceId: ID of the process instance in which the task is present

  • processId: ID of the process in which the task is present

  • processVersion: Version of the process in which the task is present

Remote deployment unavailable in Oracle Integration

The Remote Server deployment feature is not available in Oracle Integration.

Comments not displayed in task history in cookbook

In the Process UI embeddable components, when you add a comment requesting information and reassign a task to a second user, the comment posted while reassigning the task is not displayed in the task history.

Web forms data doesn’t load when an application is invoked by a REST service

If you use a REST service to launch an application containing a web form, an executable instance of the application is created but the forms data does not load.

Workaround: To have the forms data loaded into the runtime UI, invoke the REST API with the business object name associated with the web form.

Form cannot be submitted if a connector call fails

If a connector call fails, all subsequent actions in the web form aren’t executed and the form cannot be submitted.

Data association conditions are ignored if mapped with REST parameter targets

Data association conditions with REST parameters as targets are ignored and do not execute in runtime. Note that designers are allowed to set such data association conditions in Composer. No warning message is issued to inform that such conditions are ignored in runtime.

Workaround: Use a data mapper activity before the service task activity with REST parameters, and configure conditional mapping in it.

Known Issues with Oracle Content Management

Review known issues related to Oracle Content Management integration.

Conversations currently unavailable

Conversations functionality is not available in this release when Oracle Content Management is integrated with Oracle Integration. (Documents functionality is complete.)

Access issues and configuration changes

After you integrate Oracle Content Management with Process, keep in mind that access issues or configuration changes can result in errors.

For example:

  • If you modify the Oracle Content Management configuration that is currently in use, its associated documents can no longer be accessed.

    • For documents, you’ll get an error when you click Documents icon Documents or when you access a document from the list on either the Task Details page or the Tracking page.

  • If an application folder created by a process gets removed, an administrator must restore it from the Oracle Content Management trash folder.

Limitations for creating a document- or folder-initiated process

You can use the new Document Start or Folder Start event to model a process that can be initiated by a document or a folder.

The current limitations for creating a document- or folder-initiated process are as follows:

  • Processes with the Folder Start event can’t be configured in Oracle Content Management to start automatically when a folder is created.

  • When you create the process, you must initially select an empty start event (None). You must then add either the Document Start or the Folder Start event from the Elements palette, and delete the empty start event.

  • Don’t change a start event using the Change Type option, and don’t delete the first Document Start or Folder Start event. These actions will invalidate the process for use.

Folder start not supported by Oracle Content Management

Although Process supports a folder start event in a process, the folder start isn’t yet supported by Oracle Content Management. However, you can instantiate the process through the REST API and provide the necessary folder details.

See Using REST API Calls to Instantiate a Process in Using Processes in Oracle Integration Generation 2.