6 Visual Builder Issues

Review Visual Builder issues in Oracle Integration.

Supported Browsers

Oracle Visual Builder supports the latest version of the Chrome browser running on Mac OS X and Windows. Other browsers and platforms are not supported.

Applications created using Visual Builder can run on any browser supported by Oracle JET. For details, see What platforms are supported by Oracle JET?

JavaScript must be enabled for all browsers.

Upgrade Policy

When you create a new visual app, Visual Builder automatically sets your runtime dependencies to the latest Visual Builder Runtime and JET versions. If you’ve already deployed (shared or published) an app, however, it’s up to you to decide when to upgrade, as long as you do so within a certain time period. As a general rule, Visual Builder supports applications built on the current Runtime Version, as well as the three previous versions. For 24.10, for example, Visual Builder supports not only the 24.10 Runtime Version, but also apps built with 24.04, 23.10 and 23.04. Once 25.04 comes out, however, support for the 23.04 Runtime Version will drop off, so we'll ask you to upgrade those apps before you can work on them in Visual Builder Studio. If you choose not to upgrade at that time, you run the risk that newer browser versions will break your app. You also won’t be able to take advantage of any important security and performance improvements. For all of these reasons, we encourage you to build time into your development cycle to keep abreast of current changes, and to make sure you upgrade your app (you should version it first) before support for your current runtime version expires.