Invoke Operations Page

Select the module and operation to perform in the Magento application. The fields that appear are based on the selection you made on the Action page.


The Magento Commerce Cloud Adapter does not currently support the Inventory Export Stock Api Export Stock Salable Qty V1 Execute Get and Inventory In Store Pickup Api Get Pickup Locations V1 Execute Get operations.

Create, Update, or Delete Information

Element Description
Select Operation to perform
  • Create: Creates records based on a selected operation.
  • Update: Updates records based on a selected operation.
  • Delete: Deletes records based on a selected operation.
Select Module

Select a module, such as Catalog Product Repository V1, Customer Account Management V1, Quote Cart Item Repository V1, Sales Invoice Order V1, Sales Refund Order V1, and so on.

Filter by module name

Type the initial letters of the module name to filter the display of names in the list.

Select Operation

Select an operation name, such as Catalog Base Price Storage V1 Update Post, Customer Group Repository V1 Save Put, and Sales Rule Coupon Repository V1 Delete By Id Delete.

Filter by operation name

Type the initial letters of the operation name to filter the display of names in the list.

Query or Search

Element Description
Select Operation to perform
  • Get single record for the selected module: Select to perform the standard get operation.
  • Get one or more records from the selected module based on filter parameters: Select to perform search operations.

Select Module

Select a module, such as Customer Account Management V1, Inventory Api Stock Repository V1, and so on.

Filter by module name

Type the initial letters of the module name to filter the display of names in the list.

Select Operation

Select an operation name, such as Catalog Category Repository V1 Get Get, Customer Address Repository V1 Get By Id Get, Sales Order Item Repository V1 Get Get, Catalog Category List V1 Get List Get, Customer Customer Repository V1 Get List Get, and so on.

Filter by operation name

Type the initial letters of the operation name to filter the display of names in the list.

Page Size

(Only shown if you selected the Get one or more records from the selected module based on filter parameters option.)

Enter a value between 20 and 50. The default value is 20.
Filter Parameters

(Only shown if you selected the Get one or more records from the selected module based on filter parameters option.)

Click to open a subpage called Filter Parameters, which captures the filter conditions applied to the endpoint URL.

Invoke Filter Parameters Page

Select the filter parameters to use in the Magento application.


  • If an operation contains extra query/ template parameters apart from field name, condition type, and value, the extra query/ template parameters are displayed on the child page along with other filter parameters.
  • If a user does not select any filter parameters, the result is displayed based on the page size only, if there are no mandatory query/template parameters.
  • If a store ID is available in both the template parameter and query parameter, the store ID available in the query parameter takes precedence.
  • The Magento Commerce Cloud Adapter does not support the V1/search operation and sorting.
Element Description
Field Select the application field names to use in the condition.

Note: The Field dropdown list also contains custom attributes (if present) for a module and top-level attributes. This is because the search is supported only on top-level attributes.

Operator Select the operator to use for the search.
Value Specify the value for which to search.
Conjunction Select the logical operator for grouping together the smaller condition elements.
  • And: Both search conditions must be met for the document to be returned.
  • Or: Either condition must be met for the document to be returned.
Remove selected condition icon Click to remove the selected condition.
Test Get Operation Click to validate the query/ template parameters against the Magento application. The query response is displayed for a successful query and the response fields are displayed accordingly in the response schema.


  • The Test Get operation fetches a maximum of three results.
  • The store ID cannot be a parameter in the Test Get operation unless it is already a query parameter.