Invoke Search Configuration Page

Configure the Oracle NetSuite Adapter search configuration values for your integration.

Search Configuration Page

Select the associated business objects (subobjects) and fields to receive as part of the search operation response.

Element Description

Primary Business Object

Displays the business object selected on the Operations page.

Select a Saved Search

(This element is displayed if you selected Invoke a Saved Search on the Operations page.)

Displays the saved searches associated with the selected business object. Select the saved search and click Test Search to display the response column results you configured with the business object. Click edit icon to add more fields to the search.

Note: Not every response column in the search may be retrieved. If the response does not contain values for a specific response column, that column is not part of the response. Review the results and add any missing response columns as required.

Invoke Saved Search With Response Column As Configured in NetSuite Application Select to invoke a saved search without configuring the response fields. This action ensures that the entire response schema is shown in the response mapper for the saved search operation. If selected, you cannot add and select response columns (fields).

Click to Add Response Columns

Click to select the response columns for the search to invoke. Custom field columns are also displayed for selection.

Select Response Columns

Displays the response columns (fields) you added by selecting Click to Add Response Columns. Click edit icon to add more fields to the selected response business object.

Search Response Column Selection Page

Select the fields or associated business objects and their fields.

Element Description

Response Sub Object

Select the basic fields of the business object you selected on the Operations page or select any associated business objects and their fields.

Once you select the fields for a business object and click OK, that business object is no longer displayed in the Response Sub Object list.

Filter by field name

Begin entering letters to filter the display of field names.

Select the Fields

Select the appropriate fields and click >>. Custom field are identified by an asterisk.

Your Selected Fields

Displays the selected fields.