Configure the Connectivity Agent

The Connectivity Agent is required to connect Oracle Integration with an on-premises database. To use the Connectivity Agent in an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure US Government Cloud environment, it needs a non-federated account with the ServiceAdministrator role.

If you try to run the Connectivity Agent installation as a federated user, it fails. To prevent this issue, follow the steps below to configure a nonfederated (IAM) user to install the agent. This user enables the agent to communicate with Oracle Integration.
  1. Configure a user with permissions to install the agent, by adding an IAM policy that assigns the ServiceAdministrator role for the compartment.
    Syntax: allow group OICAdminGroup to be ServiceAdministrator for integration-instances in compartment OICCompartment
    Example: allow group OICServiceDevelopers to be ServiceAdministrator for integration-instances in compartment OrganizationCompartment
  2. In the Connectivity Agent, configure Basic Authentication using client credentials.
    Use the client ID and secret instead of a username and password for the authentication.
    1. Generate the OAuth client credentials. See Generate the Client Credentials.
    2. Use the client credentials in Basic Authentication in the Connectivity Agent configuration. See Configure Basic Authentication Using Client Credentials.
  3. If you need to restart the Connectivity Agent at some point, ensure that the username and password credentials for the user you configured above are still valid.