Prerequisites for Creating a Connection

You must satisfy the following prerequisites to create a connection with the QuickBooks Adapter.

Create an Intuit Developer Account

You must create an Intuit developer account. See Create an Intuit developer account.

Create an Application

To generate the client ID and client secret, you must create an application using the QuickBooks Developer Dashboard.

  1. Log in to your QuickBooks Developer account with the following URL:
  2. Click Dashboard, then click Create an app.
  3. Select QuickBooks Online and Payments.
  4. Enter a name for your application and select the checkbox under Select a scope.
  5. Click Create app. The application is created.
  6. On the Develop your app page, click Keys & credentials under Development Settings. The client ID and client secret for the sandbox environment appear.
  7. Click Keys & credentials under Production Settings and perform the required steps. The client ID and client secret for the production environment appear.
  8. Copy the client ID and client secret.

    You'll need to enter these values on the Connections page when you configure security for your QuickBooks Adapter connection in Oracle Integration. See Configure Connection Security.

Add a Redirect URL

  1. Log in to your QuickBooks developer account.
  2. Click Dashboard.
  3. Select and open your application.
  4. Click Keys & credentials under Development Settings to set your sandbox redirect URI or click Keys & credentials under Production Settings to set your production redirect URI.
  5. Scroll down to the Redirect URIs section, and click Add URI.
  6. Click Save.

Add a Sandbox or Production Company

You must have a sandbox or production company profile created in the QuickBooks application. See Create and test with a sandbox company. You can go to to create your production company profile.

You'll need to select the company name on the Connections page when you configure security for your QuickBooks Adapter connection in Oracle Integration. See Configure Connection Security.