REST Adapter Trigger Request Page

Enter the REST Adapter request payload details for the endpoint.

Element Description

Select the multipart attachment processing options

Configure the following options based on whether the request is inbound or outbound.

For inbound (trigger) requests, select the multipart attachment type to include. This option is only available if you selected the POST action on the Basic Info page.

  • Request is multipart with payload: Select to send multipart attachments as part of the request along with JSON or XML content as the payload request.

  • Multipart request is of type multipart/form-data with HTML form payload: Select for the REST endpoint to accept to configure an HTML form. You must first select the Request is multipart with payload option before you can select this option. This selection assumes that the media type is multipart/form-data.

Select the request payload format

  • Ensure that the sample JSON or the uploaded XML schema is representative of the actual runtime messages exchanged with the endpoint. A mismatch in the structure or type of runtime messages can result in errors.

  • If you upload a schema file without a target namespace, a surrogate namespace is added to the schema file that all messages then use:

Select the request payload format to use. The request payload body must be defined by the XSD element that defines the structure of this representation.

  • XML Schema

  • JSON Sample: Select this option to use Swagger and RAML files. JSON sample files of up to 100 KB in size are supported.

    Empty arrays in JSON sample files are not supported. For information, see Empty Arrays Are Not Supported in Sample JSON Files. You may need to process large JSON sample files with special characters before using the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard. See Large Sample JSON File Processing with Special Characters.

  • XML Sample (Single or No Namespace): Select this option to use an XML document to generate the schema.
  • Binary: Use with payloads that are unstructured and inline — for example, application/octet-stream. It preserves the file contents, but requires the receiver to determine file type, for example, from the filename extension. The Internet media type for an arbitrary byte stream is application/octet-stream.

Schema Location

Specify the schema file in either of the following ways:
  • Click Browse to select the request schema file to use.

  • Click <<inline>> to copy and paste the JSON payload or URL into a text field. Click OK when complete.


Select the element that defines the payload structure. This field is not displayed until you import the request payload file. Once you browse for and select the schema or JSON sample file, the schema is displayed automatically. It also displays a combination box that selects the root element by default.

What is the media-type of the Request Body? (Content-Type Header)

  • XML: Displays the payload in XML format.

  • XML (text): Displays the payload in XML text format.

  • JSON: Displays the payload in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format.

  • URL-encoded: Displays the payload in URL-encoded format.

  • Other Media Type: Select to display the payload in another format (for example, application/ You can only specify the media types that end with +json or +xml. The following media types are supported implicitly and cannot be configured. At runtime, the request media type is in the form of an http Content-Type header. The expected response media type is specified through an Accept header. Any service can be accessed through either of these media types.
    • Application/XML

    • Application/JSON

Select the multipart attachment type for the endpoint to receive. This field is displayed if you selected the Request is multipart with payload option in the Select the multipart attachment processing options field.
  • multipart/mixed: Send an XML or JSON payload type with an attachment. For example, send a PDF document for review as a link in an email.

  • multipart/form-data: Send an XML or JSON payload type with an attachment. For example, you create an HTML form to upload and send an image. In the HTML form, the method is defined as post and the enctype (encoding type) is defined as multipart/form-data. You can also send the attachment alone without a payload when using this attachment type.