
Take the following actions before you begin configuration. Perform these actions on the host on which the connectivity agent is installed.


You may need to consult with your SAP Administrator for the following configuration tasks.

The following entries need to be updated on the system on which the Oracle Weblogic Server is running.

  • The hosts file of the system (maintained in the etc folder) should have the following entry:
    SAP_System_Host_IP  SAP_System_Hostname  SAP_System_Hostname_With_Domain_Name
  • The services file of the system (maintained in the etc folder) should have the following entries. You must replace sysnr with the actual SAP system number (such as 00), and not the port number.

    sapgwsysnr 33sys_no/tcp
    sapdpsysnr 32sys_no/tcp

    Where sysnr is the system number of the SAP server. This entry is not the port number.

To connect to SAP using a message server, the following information must be maintained in the services file in the etc folder, in addition to the above two entries. Replace sysnr and SID.


Where SID is the system ID of the SAP server.