Configure a Logical System

Use the following steps to configure a logical system.

Prerequisite Steps

  1. To connect to SAP using the host name, the following entries must be in the Hosts file:

    IP Hostname FQHostname
  2. To connect to SAP using MS, the following info must be maintained in the service file:


Define a Logical System

The logical system is used to identify an individual client in a system in ALE communication between SAP systems.

Use the following steps to define a logical system:

  1. From the SAP easy access screen, navigate to the SALE transaction.
  2. Open the basic settings and then the Logical Systems node.
  3. In the list, click Define Logical Systems.
    A popup window appears with the following message: Caution: The table is cross-client.
  4. Click Enter.
  5. Click New Entries.
  6. Enter the Logical System name and description.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Press Enter when the popup window appears.
    The entry for Logical System will now be visible in the table.