Invoke Operations Page

On the Invoke Operations page in the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard, select the module and the operation you want to perform in the Shopify application.

Element Description

Select Module

  • Customers: Configures customers and customer-related business objects/operations such as Customer Address and Customer Saved Search.
  • Discounts: Configures discounts and discount-related business objects/operations such as Discount Code and Price Rule.
  • Inventory: Configures inventory and inventory-related business objects/operations such as Inventory Level, Location, and Inventory Item.
  • Metafields: Configures metafields and metafield-related business objects/operations such as the Metafield.
  • Orders: Configures orders and order-related business objects/operations such as Draft Order, Refund, Transaction, Order Risk, and Abandoned checkouts.
  • Plus: Configures plus and plus-related business objects/operations such as Gift Cards.
  • Products: Configures products and product-related business objects/operations such as Product Image, Custom Collection, Product Variant, Product, Collect, and Smart Collection.
  • Sales Channel: Configures sales channel and sales channel-related business objects/operations such as Collection Listing, Resource Feedback, and Product Listing.
  • Shipping and Fulfillment: Configures shipping and fulfillment, and associated business objects/operations such as Carrier Service, Fulfillment, Assigned Fulfillment Order, Fulfillment Order/Service/Event, and Locations For Move.
  • Shopify Payments: Configures Shopify payments and Shopify payment-related business objects/operations such as Payouts.
  • Store Properties: Configures store properties and associated business objects/operations such as Countries and Shop.

Note: The following modules and objects are not supported by the Shopify Adapter.

  • Access
  • Analytics
  • Billing
  • Marketing Event
  • Online Store
  • Tender Transaction
Objects and related modules:
  • Balance (Shopify Payments)
  • Checkout (Sales Channel)
  • Currency, Policy, Province, and Shipping zone (Store Properties)
  • Dispute (Shopify Payments)
  • LocationsforMove (Shipping and Fulfillment)
  • Mobile Platform Application (Sales Channel)
  • Multipass (Plus)
  • Payments (Sales Channel)
  • Product Resource Feedback (Sales Channel)
  • Transactions (Shopify Payments)
  • User (Plus)

Select Object

Use the scrolling list to select an object within the selected action.

Filter by Object Name

Type the initial letters of the object name to filter the display of names in the list.

Select Operation

Select an operation name, such as Retrieve a single customer.

Filter by Operation Name

Type the initial letters of the operation name to filter the display of names in the list.