Trigger Events Page

On the Trigger Events page in the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard, select the modules and associated events for which to receive notifications.

Element Description

Select Module

Select the module:
  • Customers: Configures customers and customer-related business events such as Customer creation/update/enable/disable/delete.
  • DeliveryProfiles: Configures delivery profiles and delivery profile-related business events such as DeliveryProfile create/delete/update.
  • FulfillmentEvents: Configures fulfillment events and fulfillment event-related business events such as FulfillmentEvents create/update.
  • Fulfillments: Configures fulfillments and fulfillment-related business events such as Fulfillment create/update.
  • Inventory: Configures inventory and inventory-related business events such as Inventory Level update.
  • Orders: Configures orders and order-related business events such as Order creation/edit/update/deletion/cancellation, Order payment, Order fulfillment/partial fulfillment, Transactions create, and Refund create.
  • Products: Configures products and product-related business events such as Product creation/update/deletion.

Select Event

Select an event name, such as Customer creation. The events available for selection are based on the module selected.

Filter by Module Name

Type the initial letters of the module name to filter the display of names in the list.

Filter by Event Name

Type the initial letters of the event name to filter the display of names in the list.