Existing Connections are Suddenly Failing with an "SSL handshake failed" Error

You may need to generate a new trust store certificate for an existing Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Streaming Service Adapter connection that was previously working if the following errors occur:

  • If the integration fails with the following error:
    Unhandled error caught by system-level error handler :oracle.tip.adapter.sa.api.JCABindingException: 
    Error sending bytes: oracle.cloud.connector.api.RemoteApplicationException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: 
    org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SslAuthenticationException: SSL handshake failed
  • If you then test the connection on the Connections page, it fails with the following error:
    CASDK-0005: A connector specific exception was raised by the application. OSS-005: Unable to test connection. 
    Provide valid trust store.

This indicates that the certificate for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Streaming Service that was inside the trust store (JKS) configured in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Streaming Service Adapter connection has changed.

  1. Generate a new trust store using the latest certificate for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Streaming Service.
  2. Upload and configure the new JKS for use by the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Streaming Service Adapter.

See Know the Trust Store.