B Appendix: Add or Delete Attributes in Oracle Unity (Optional)

To add or delete attributes in Oracle Unity (other than what is pre-configured in this recipe), you must perform the following tasks:

  1. Add or delete the personalization attributes in Oracle Unity.
  2. In the Oracle FTP SFMC DataExtension Import integration flow of the recipe:
    1. Update the FTP adapter with the new file schema.
    2. Update the mapper element corresponding to the FTP adapter.
    3. Update the Stage File element with the new file schema.
    4. Update the mapper element corresponding to the Stage File element.
    5. Update the Stage File element in the fault handler with the new file schema.
    6. Update the mapper element corresponding to the Stage File element in the fault handler.

Add or Delete the Personalization Attributes in Oracle Unity

To add or delete the personalization attributes (other than what is pre-configured in this recipe) from the base object to the segment, see Managing Personalization Attributes.

Update the FTP Adapter with the New Schema


You get the updated file schema when you run the Oracle Unity FTP Master Customer Export integration flow.

  1. In the Configuration Editor of the recipe, select the Oracle FTP SFMC DataExtension Import integration flow.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. On the integration canvas, expand the FileScope element, select the ReadFileFromFTP element, and click Edit.
  4. Upload the updated schema.
  5. On the Summary page, click Done.
  6. In the resulting window, click Update.

    The updated attribute appears as a separate field on the mapping canvas.

Update the FTP Adapter's Mapper

  1. On the integration canvas, in FileScope, select the Map to ReadFileFromFTP element, and click Edit.
  2. Map the new attribute to the relevant target attribute on the mapping canvas.

Update the Stage File Element with the New Schema

  1. On the integration canvas, in FileScope, select the InitializeStageErrorFile element, and click Edit.
  2. Upload the updated schema.
  3. On the Summary page, click Done.
  4. In the resulting window, click Update.

    The updated attribute appears as a separate field on the mapping canvas.

    To know more about configuring stage file activity, see Configure a Stage File Action.

Update the Stage File Element’s Mapper

  1. On the integration canvas, in FileScope, select the Map to InitializeStageErrorFile element, and click Edit.
  2. Map the new attribute to the relevant target attribute on the mapping canvas.

Update the Fault Handler’s Stage File Element with the New Schema

  1. On the integration canvas, expand FileScope, and then expand PageScope.
  2. In PageScope, click the Fault Handler element, and select Default Handler.
  3. Select the AppendToStageErrorFile element, and click Edit.
  4. On the Format Definition page, upload the updated schema.
  5. On the Summary page, click Done.
  6. In the resulting window, click Update.

    The updated attribute appears as a separate field on the mapping canvas.

    To know more about configuring stage file activity, see Configure a Stage File Action.

Update the Stage File Element's Mapper

  1. On the integration canvas, within DefaultHandler, select the Map to AppendToStageErrorFile element, and click Edit.
  2. Map the new attribute to the relevant target attribute on the mapping canvas.