Send Transaction Documents from Business Applications into Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace provides different endpoints to submit business transaction documents such as purchase order, sales order, and so on. Different trading partners post documents that must be tracked to the Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace application in the context of a business flow.

The Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace Adapter makes it easy to post these transactions from different business applications into the Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace application. Posting a transaction involves the following steps:
  1. Identify the business application from which a transaction document must be retrieved. You must use a source business application adapter or generic REST Adapter in case there is no specific Oracle Integration adapter for the source application. From the source application, you must identify which document must be posted. See the specific adapter documentation on how to connect and retrieve the transaction document.
  2. Create an orchestrated integration.
  3. Drag an adapter corresponding to the source business application into the integration canvas as a trigger connection (it can be any adapter).
  4. Configure the adapter in the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard.
  5. Drag the Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace Adapter into the integration canvas as an invoke connection.
  6. Configure it to connect to the Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace instance. Refer to section Add the Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace Adapter Connection to an Integration for more information on how to configure the adapter connection.
  7. Select the document type, business flow, and step information to which the document must be posted.
  8. Once the source application trigger and Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace Adapter connection are configured on the canvas, you can provide the mapping from source document fields to target document fields.
  9. Activate and invoke the integration. The Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace Adapter posts the document to the business flow and step from the source application.