Effect on Metrics When Updating an Active Model

The metrics being collected for a model are impacted when you either add or remove a milestone or an indicator to or from the model.

The following is the impact in different scenarios:

  1. If a milestone is added while metrics are being collected, new Insight instances created after activation start collecting data for the new milestone. The existing metrics are unaffected.

  2. If a milestone is deleted while metrics are being collected, the existing metrics collected for the deleted milestone are lost. The existing instances depict that the milestone was never reached. A warning message notifies you about such changes upon reactivation of the model.

  3. If an indicator is added while metrics are being collected, there is no impact on the existing metrics. The new Insight instances start collecting metrics for the new indicator upon reactivation of the model.

  4. If an indicator is removed while metrics are being collected, the existing metrics collected for the indicator are lost. On activating the model with a deleted indicator, you are presented with a list of consoles where the indicator is being used. You must remove such consoles or remove the usage of the indicator from those consoles to proceed with activation of model.

For more information, see Impact of Model Reactivation After Changes in Model Metadata.