Filter Dashboards

Insight supports a sophisticated set of filter criteria that allows business owners to focus on the business data that matters most to them. The filter criteria that is selected determines which business transactions are included in the dashboards.

Filter criteria can be specified for:

  • preconfigured dashboards

  • custom dashboards

  • the Business Transactions dashboard

For all dashboards, you can specify milestone-related filter criteria, such as business transaction start date, end date, duration, passed milestones, and status. These criteria are called lifecycle filters, and are the same across all business processes.

For custom dashboards and the Business Transactions dashboard, you can also specify criteria based on indicators in the business process that have been marked as filterable. These criteria are called indicator filters, and vary between business processes, depending on the indicators defined for the associated model.


Dashboards do not update automatically with filter criteria. You must click Apply to apply the filters and update the dashboards based on your filter criteria or Clear All to clear all the selected filters. Click Refresh Refresh icon to see the latest data without changing the filters.

Lifecycle Filters

To filter dashboards by lifecycle filters:

The available lifecycle filters are:
  • Transaction Started: Filters for business transactions that started in the last number of days or during a date range. The default value is Last 5 Days.

    Transaction Started filter
    • Display business transactions started in last x days: Select to specify a number to display all transactions started within the last x days, where a day is the current time minus 24 hours.

    • Use as default for all consoles: Select to use the specified last x days filter value for all consoles.

    • Display business transactions started in this range: Select and specifiy a From/To date range to display all business transactions started during the range.

  • Transaction Ended: Filters for business transactions that completed in the last number of days or during a date range. The default value is Last 1 Days.

    • Display business transactions ended in last x days: Select to specify a number to display all transactions completed within the last x days, where a day is the current time minus 24 hours.

    • Display business transaction ended in this range: Select and specify a From/To date range to display all business transactions completed during the range..

  • Transaction Duration: Filters for the length of time a business transaction took to complete. Enter an integer as the From/To values for a duration and select the appropriate unit of time: Days, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds.

  • Milestones: Filters for active and completed business transactions that have passed selected milestones.

    Milestones filter
    • Any: Select to display all business transactions that have passed any of the milestones you select.

    • Last: Select to display all business transactions that have most recently passed the milestones you select.

    All (default) displays all business transactions.

  • Transaction Status: Filters for business transactions that were in the selected statuses at the time the data was loaded:

    • Healthy: Displays business transactions that are running.

    • Successful: Displays business transactions that have completed successfully.

    • Recoverable Errors: Displays business transactions that are in a faulted state.

    • Failed: Displays business transactions that have failed.


When you change filter criteria, click Apply to refresh the business transaction data and apply the changed filters. Clicking Refresh Refresh icon only refreshes the data, without applying the changed filters.

Indicator Filters

To filter dashboards by indicators (dimensions and measures) that have been marked as filterable (applies only to custom dashboards and the Business Transactions dashboard):

  • Click Expand filters Expand filters icon to expose the filter criteria for selection. For example, the following screen shows that three custom dashboard indicators have been marked as filterable in the business process.

    Indicator filters for custom dashboards
The filter values that you specify depend on the data type of the indicator:
  • string: Enter a valid string value for the indicator. The value is a case-sensitive exact match that can include the following SQL wildcards:
    • % (percentage): A substitute for zero or more characters.

    • _ (underscore): A substitute for a single character.


    Insight does not support filtering by NULL string values.
  • decimal, integer, or float: Enter a minimum and maximum value for the indicator.
    Numeric indicator filter for custom dashboards
  • date: Select Last x days and a value, or select Custom Range and a From/To date range.
    Date indicator filters for custom dashboards