Search for Business Transactions

You can search for specific business transactions (instances) associated with a business process based on the business transaction's unique identifier.

You can search for business transactions from the dashboards page or the Business Transactions dashboard.

The Search field has the same label as the business transaction's unique identifier.

Search field


  • Search is performed based on only the search string you provide. Any filters you have applied are ignored.

  • Search is performed on only identifier values of business transactions (instances). For example, if the identifier is Order Number, you can only search for business transactions by order number.

  • Retrieving a large number of business transactions in a search may adversely affect performance.

  • When you enter a search, if the business transaction identifier is of type integer, double, or date, you must enter a search string that exactly matches the identifier. If the identifier is of type string, you can enter a case-sensitive string that fully or partially matches the identifier, including the following SQL wildcards:

    • % (percentage): A substitute for zero or more characters.

    • _ (underscore): A substitute for a single character.