Promote Applications as Samples to the Gallery

If you want to make your process applications available to others, and also allow users to make changes to them in order to suit their business needs, promote them as Samples to the gallery.

As an advanced user you may like to use sample applications available in the gallery to create a copy of the application.

To promote an application as a sample to the gallery:

  1. Select the application that you want to promote as a sample to the gallery.
  2. In the Application Home tab, click Show/Hide Navigation menu, and select Promote to Gallery.
  3. In the Properties window of the Promote to Gallery as a Sample App wizard, define how the sample application displays in the gallery.
    1. Enter a suitable name in the Name field.
    2. Enter a meaningful description in the Description field.
  4. Click Next.
  5. In the Promote window, enter a name in the Snapshot Name field, and comment in the Snapshot Comment field.
  6. View and check any warnings under Validation Results. You need to fix all major validation errors before promoting the application to the gallery.
  7. Click Promote. You get a confirmation that a snapshot of your application was saved and the application has been promoted to the gallery.
  8. Click Close.

    Go to the gallery to view the sample application you just created.

    The gallery contains QuickStart Apps and Samples. To view all available sample applications, select Sample in the filter field. Alternatively, type the name of the sample application in the search field (next to the filter field) to view the application.