Select the Task Type

Create submit tasks to display a form for the user to complete and submit. Create approval tasks to display a form for the user to view and/or complete, and then perform an action such as approving it, or rejecting it, or a custom action that you define.

To select the task type:

  1. Click General in the General tab.

  2. Select Submit or Approve in the General pane according to your requirement.

For a submit task, the only allowed action is SUBMIT and the same is auto-populated in the Action field at the bottom of the pane. You can edit or change the name of the action (for example, OK).

If you’re configuring an approval task, actions APPROVE and REJECT are populated by default in the Action field. You can also edit the default actions and add new ones. To add actions, enter their name in uppercase and separate them with commas, for example, MOREINFO, ONHOLD, and so on. You can later access the value of the selected action from the human task data association, using the predefined data object outcome.