Use OAuth 2.0 Grants

To use an OAuth 2.0 grant type with the Oracle Utilities Adapter in Oracle Integration, you must perform the following prerequisites.

Prerequisites for All Grants

Perform the following tasks for each grant type you use.

  • Obtain the Oracle Identity Cloud Service URL.
    1. Go to the URL for your Oracle Utilities application. You are redirected to a URL such as:
    2. Replace /signin with /adminconsole to access Oracle Identity Cloud Service.
      For example:

      You'll be prompted to sign in again to the Oracle Identity Cloud Service Console.

    3. Log in to the Oracle Identity Cloud Service Console with your identity domain administrator credentials.
  • Check the Oracle Utilities application in Oracle Identity Cloud Service.
    When an Oracle Utilities application instance is provisioned, an Oracle Identity Cloud Service application is created for that application instance. The application name is composed as follows:
    For example:
    1. To request creation of a new OAuth client application, create a cloud operations service request and provide the following information:
      • Environment(s) where the OAuth client application is needed (for example, PROD, TEST01, or DEV).
      • Client name suffix: Use a distinct name that may suggest the functional purpose of the integration.
      • Provide a meaningful description of the integration point.
      • Client type (trusted or confidential) and client certificate: The integration requirements may call for a trusted client and the external application may also supply its own certificate. Otherwise, Oracle Identity Cloud Service creates a trusted client with its internal native certificate.
      • OAuth flow for your intended integration: Client credentials, JWT assertion, and authorization code flows are currently supported. For the authorization code flow, you can also supply your own redirect URL.
      • Scope: You can define the OAuth client application with access to either REST or SOAP APIs or both REST and SOAP APIs.
    The Oracle Utilities Cloud Operations team creates the OAuth client using the input provided in the service request.
    1. Log in to Oracle Identity Cloud Service to get your application.
    2. Go to Oracle Cloud Services and find the application with the above name to access the application.

Prerequisites for Resource Owner Password Credentials

Perform the following tasks.

  • Validate the Oracle Integration application and user roles:
    1. Go to Configuration, and then Client Configuration of the Oracle Identity Cloud Service application.
    2. Verify that Resource Owner and Refresh Token for Allowed Grant Types are enabled.
    3. Go to Configuration, and then Resources of the Oracle Identity Cloud Service application.
    4. Verify that the Is Refresh Token Allowed option is enabled.

      The Details, Configuration (which is selected), Web Tier Policy, Application Roles, Groups, and Users tabs are shown. Below are the General Information, Client Information, and Resources sections. Resources is expanded to show the Configure application APIs that need to be OAuth protected subsection. This subsection includes fields for Access Token Expiration, Is Refresh Token Allowed, Refresh Token Expiration, Primary Audience, and Secondary Audiences.

      The scope with access to either REST or SOAP APIs or both REST and SOAP APIs is provided.

      The Scopes section shows a table with columns for Scope, Protected, Description, and Required.

    5. Add the appropriate user(s) to the various Oracle Application roles. For standard/production configurations, use the ServiceUser role. (See Oracle Integration Service Roles in Provisioning and Administering Oracle Integration Generation 2.)
    6. To assign the user, go to the Application Roles section of the application and assign the user for AppWebServices.

      The Details, Configuration, Web Tier Policy, Application Roles (which is selected), Groups, and Users tabs are shown. Below is a table with the role name, the number of users assigned to that role, and the number of groups assigned to that role. A drop-down list at the far right is selected to show options for Assign Users, Revoke Users, Assign Groups, and Revoke Groups.

  • Configure the client application:
    1. In the Oracle Identity Cloud Service Console, go to the Applications section to create a new application that allows you to invoke an Oracle Utilities application with an OAuth Utilities Connection. Add this application as a confidential application.
    2. Click Add.
    3. Select Confidential Application.

      Description of oauth_grant6.png follows
      Description of the illustration oauth_grant6.png

    4. Complete the Details page, and go to the Client page.

      Description of oauth_grant7.png follows
      Description of the illustration oauth_grant7.png

    5. On the Client page, select Configure this application as a client now and add the following.
      1. Select Resource Owner and Refresh Token for Allowed Grant Types.
      2. Select Specific in the Authorized Resources section.

        Description of ropc2.png follows
        Description of the illustration ropc2.png

      3. Click Add Scope under the Resources section.

        Token Issuance Policy section, with an Authorized Resources subsection with values of All, Tagged, and Specific (which is selected). Below this is a Resources section with an Add Scope button.

      4. Find the Oracle Utilities application.

        The Select Scope dialog shows a checklist of scopes available for selection. A Back button also appears.

      5. Add the scope containing access to either REST (/rest/*) or SOAP(/soap/*) APIs or both REST and SOAP APIs (/*), and click >.

        The Resources page shows an Add Scope link. Below is a table with entries for Resource, Protected, and Scope.

      6. Save your changes.
    6. Click through the remaining wizard pages without making changes and save the application.
    7. Activate the application for use.
  • Validate the client application:
    1. To fetch the access client, make a request to Oracle Identity Cloud Service with the user name and password in the payload.


      Add offline_access in the scope to fetch the request refresh token as part of the response.
      curl -i -H 'Authorization: Basic <base64Encoded_clientid:secret>' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' --request POST https://<IDCS-Service-Instance> -d 'grant_type=password&username=<user-name>&password=<password>&scope=<App_Scope>%20offline_access'
      #### <base64-clientid-secret> - Base 64 encode clientId:ClientSecret
      #### <username> - user for token needs to be issued (must be in serviceuser role).
      #### <password> - password for above user
      #### <app_scope> - Scope added while creating application in client configuration section
      curl -i -H 'Authorization: Basic OGQyM...ZDA0Mjcz' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' --request POST https://<idcs_host>/oauth2/v1/token -d 'grant_type=password&username=sampleUser&password=SamplePassword&scope=https://<Resource_APP_Audience>/rest/*%20offline_access'
    2. Capture the access_token and refresh_token from the response.
          "access_token": "eyJ4NXQjG...dfsdfsFgets2ed",
          "token_type": "Bearer",
          "expires_in": 3600,
          "refresh_token": "AQAgY2MzNjVlOTVhOTRh...vM5S0MkrFSpzc="
    3. Use the access_token in the authorization header to invoke the Oracle Utilities application endpoint.
      curl --location --request GET 'https://<Utilities_Application_API_ENDPOINT>' \
      --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ4NXQjG...dfsdfsFgets2ed'
    4. To update the access token, use the refresh token and make a request to Oracle Identity Cloud Service.
    5. Capture the access_token and refresh_token from the response for further use.
      curl -i -H 'Authorization: Basic <base64-clientid-secret>' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' --request POST https://<IDCS-Service-Instance>  -d 'grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=<refresh_token>'
      curl -i -H 'Authorization: Basic OGQyM...ZDA0Mjcz' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' --request POST https://<IDCS-Service-Instance>  -d 'grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=AQAgY2MzNjVlOTVhOTRh...vM5S0MkrFSpzc='

Prerequisites for OAuth Client Credentials

Perform the following tasks.

  • Validate the Oracle Utilities application and user roles:
    1. Go to Configuration, and then Client Configuration of the Oracle Identity Cloud Service application.
    2. Verify that Client Credentials for Allowed Grant Types is enabled.
    3. Go to Configuration, and then Resources of the Oracle Identity Cloud Service application. The scope with access to either REST or SOAP APIs or both REST and SOAP APIs is provided.

      The Scopes page shows a table with columns for Scope, Protected, Description, and Requires Consent.

    4. Add the appropriate user(s) to the various Oracle Utilities application roles. For standard/production configurations, use the ServiceUser role. (See Oracle Integration Service Roles in Provisioning and Administering Oracle Integration Generation 2.)
    5. To assign the user, go to the Application Roles section of the application under AppWebServices.

      The Details, Configuration, Web Tier Policy, Application Roles (which is selected), Groups, and Users tabs are shown. Below is a table with the role name, the number of users assigned to that role, and the number of groups assigned to that role. A drop-down list at the far right is selected to show options for Assign Users, Revoke Users, Assign Groups, and Revoke Groups.

  • Configure the client application:
    1. In the Oracle Identity Cloud Service Console, go to the Applications section to create a new application that allows you to invoke an Oracle Utilities application API with an OAuth Utilities Connection. The application is added as a confidential application.
    2. Complete the Details section, and go to the Client section.
    3. On the Client page, select Configure this application as a client now, and complete the following:
      1. Select Client Credentials from the Allowed Grant Types list.
      2. Select Specific in the Authorized Resources area of the Token Issuance Policy section.
      3. Click Add Scope under the Resources section.
      4. Find the Oracle Utilities application.

        The Select Scope dialog shows a checklist of scopes available for selection. A Back button also appears.

      5. Add the scope containing access to either REST or SOAP APIs or both REST and SOAP APIs, and click >.

        The Resources page shows an Add Scope link. Below is a table with entries for Resource, Protected, and Scope.

      6. Save your changes.
    4. Click through the remaining wizard pages without making changes and save the application.
    5. Activate the application for use.
    The next step is to create an application user in the appropriate Oracle Utilities Cloud Service (such as Oracle Utilities Meter Solution Cloud Service). Access the appropriate Oracle Utilities Cloud Service application, and navigate to the User portal.
    1. Create a new user corresponding to the OAuth Client created above:
      1. Enter the OAuth client ID as the user’s login ID.
      2. Select OAuth Client from the User Type drop-down list.
      3. Assign User Groups that provide the integration with access to the appropriate functionality.
      4. Assign To Do Roles and appropriate Access Security to the created user.

        The OAuth Client credentials are now ready to use.

  • Validate the client application.
    1. Fetch the access client to make a request to Oracle Identity Cloud Service with the client ID and client secret of the client in the payload.
      curl -i -H 'Authorization: Basic <base64Encoded_clientid:secret>' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' --request POST https://<IDCS-Service-Instance> -d 'grant_type=client_credentials&scope=<App_Scope>'
      #### <base64-clientid-secret> - Base 64 encode clientId:ClientSecret
      #### <app_scope> - Scope added while creating application in client configuration section
      curl -i -H 'Authorization: Basic OGQyM...ZDA0Mjcz' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' --request POST https://<idcs_host>/oauth2/v1/token -d 'grant_type=client_credentials&scope=https://<Resource_APP_Audience>/rest/*'
    2. Capture the access_token from the response.
          "access_token": "eyJ4NXQjG...dfsdfsFgets2ed",
          "token_type": "Bearer",
          "expires_in": 3600
    3. Use the access_token in the authorization header to invoke the Oracle Utilities Application APIs.
      curl --location --request GET 'https://<Utilities_Application_API_ENDPOINT>' \
      --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ4NXQjG...dfsdfsFgets2ed'
    4. To update the access token when it is expired, make the same request to Oracle Identity Cloud Service.