Create Relationships with the Diagrammer

You can use the diagrammer to create new relationships between business objects.

To create a new relationship:
  1. Right-click a business object name and select + New Relationship.
    A dotted red line appears in the business object.
  2. Drag the red line to the business object you want to connect to.
    The Create Relationship dialog box appears, with a new Reference field in the source business object that includes the name of the target business object.
  3. Select the cardinality for each object in the relationship (Many or One).
    In addition to many-to-one and one-to-many, you can specify cardinalities of one-to-one and many-to-many between business objects. If you specify Many-to-Many, an intersection business object with two reference fields is automatically created. Its default name is a concatenation of the two business objects; change this name as you want for better usability. For an intersection business object, you can't deselect the Required check box in either of the reference fields, and the default delete rule is Cascade.
  4. Edit the properties of the relationship field (the Id, the Display Label, the Default Display Field, the Required check box, the Delete Rule).
    For the Delete Rule, the available choices are Cascade, Restrict, and Set To Null. Whether you can edit a property and what values are available depends on the nature of the relationship and the objects.
  5. Click Create.

    A relationship line in "crow's feet" notation that matches the cardinality you selected appears between the object nodes. Mouse over the relationship line to see a description of the relationship.

Right-click a relationship line and select Edit to modify the relationship, or select Delete to remove the relationship.

The new relationship appears on the Overview page for each business object. You can edit and delete the relationship on that page as well as in the diagrammer.