
Runs the action chain tests that you have defined in your visual application for web (and mobile) apps.

The tests runs on built application sources, with the test results stored in the build/tests/results directory as follows:
  • jUnit tests: [web|mobile]Apps/<appId>/<browserId>test-results.xml
  • Tests coverage report: [web|mobile]Apps/<appId>/vbCoverage.json

For more information, see Test Action Chains Using the vb-test Grunt Task .

The following table describes the subtasks, hooks, and inputs and outputs of the vb-test task:

Detail Description
subtasks n/a
multitask config generator task: _vb-test-generate-configuration
hooks n/a
input build/processed
output build/tests/results

The following table describes the options for the vb-test task:

Name Mandatory Default Value Description
target no build Name of build directory.
karma-debug no false Enables unit test debugging. When Chrome open, you'll need to manually click DEBUG button in the window for the tests to run. You can open the Chrome Dev Tools, set some breakpoints, and reload the page to re-run the tests.
karma-log-level no INFO Karma log level, which you can set to DEBUG for verbose logging.
karma-browser no ChromeHeadless Browser mode to use. Use "Chrome" to run tests in UI (window) mode.
mocha-timeout no   Timeout of Mocha tests (in milliseconds).