Common Error Messages
Note the following common Workday Adapter errors and solutions when executing Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB) and Reports as a Service (RaaS) reports.
Enterprise Interface Builder (If You Can Already Launch the Enterprise Interface Builder)
Note the following Workday issues and solutions while executing Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB) reports.
Task Submitted is Not Authorized
This error occurs when you do not have view access to the report data source.
Solution: Provide view access on the report data source to the user.
Current System User Does Not Have Access to Launch this Integration System
This error occurs when you do not have view access to the report data source.
Solution: Share the report attached in Enterprise Interface Builder with the integration system user (ISU) user and provide view access on the report data source to the user.
Reports as a Service Errors
Note the following Workday issues and solutions while executing Reports as a Service (RaaS) reports.
Task Submitted is Not Authorized
The following error occurs when you do not have view access for the report data source.
Solution: Provide view access on the report data source to the user.
Attempt to Run a Report Where You Do Not Have Access to One or More Fields Referenced in the Report's Filters
The following error occurs when you do not have view access for the report data source.
Solution: Provide the data source view access on the report field used as a filter in the report.