Prepare an Embedded Device to Use the Java SE Client Software Library

An embedded device running Linux must be configured correctly and meet the minimum hardware requirements to successfully install the Java SE client software library.

  1. Make sure the hardware prerequisites are met before you install the Java SE client software library on your device. For a list of supported platforms, see Oracle IoT Cloud Service Client Software Certified System Configurations.
  2. Open a web browser and browse to Oracle Java SE Embedded Downloads page.
  3. Download Oracle Java SE Embedded JDK to your device. These are the available versions:
    Platform Hardware File
    Linux/x86 desktop x86 Linux Small Footprint – Headless


    ARM v6/v7 Linux — Hard Floating Point ARM v6/v7 Linux - VFP, HardFP ABI, Little Endian 1


    ARM v5/v6/v7 Linux — Soft Floating Point ARMv5/ARMv6/ARMv7 Linux - SoftFP ABI, Little Endian 2.


  4. Run this command to extract the contents of the Oracle Java SE Embedded JDK file. using the example 8u101 version:
    cd <eJDK-download-folder-location>/
    tar xzvf ejdk-8u101-linux-armv6-vfp-hflt.tar.gz
  5. Verify that the ejdk1.8.0_101 folder was created.
  6. Run this command to create the Java SE Embedded Compact 2 profile:
    cd ejdk1.8.0_73/bin
    ./ -d /home/<user>/ejre1.8.0_73_compact2_minimal_vm -p compact2 --vm minimal
    The output should appear similar to this example:
    Building JRE using Options {
    ejdk-home: /home/janeuser/ejdk1.8.0_101
    		dest: /home/janeuser/ejre1.8.0_101_compact2_minimal_vm
    		target: linux_arm_vfp_hflt
    		vm: minimalruntime: compact2 profile
    		debug: false
    		keep-debug-info: false
    		no-compression: false
    		dry-run: false
    		verbose: false
    			extension: []}
  7. Install the JDK Compact 2 profile on your device. See Create Your JRE with jrecreate in the Oracle Java SE Embedded Developer’s Guide.