Prepare Your Device to Use the Windows Client Software Library

A device must be configured correctly and meet the minimum hardware requirements to successfully install the Windows client software library.

  1. Make sure the hardware prerequisites are met before you install the Windows client software library on your device. For a list of supported platforms, see Oracle IoT Cloud Service Client Software Certified System Configurations.
  2. Make sure the time and date on your device is current. If it isn’t, open a command prompt and run these commands:
    1. Run the date command and update the date.
    2. Run the time command and update the time.
  3. Download and install Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 or later on your Windows computer.
  4. Download and install the Cygwin (version 2.6 or later) make, wget, perl, tar, zip, unzip, xxd, and curl packages on the device.
  5. Run this command to set the PATH system variable to the location of the Cygwin installation directory: setx path "%path%;c:\cygwin\bin".
  6. Set up your development environment to use the Windows client software libraries. See Set Up Your Development Environment to Use the Windows Client Software Libraries.