Set Up Your Development Environment to Use the Windows Client Software Libraries

Before you can develop applications that let your devices to communicate with Oracle Fusion Cloud IoT Intelligent Applications, you first download, install, and configure the Windows client software libraries.

  1. Prepare your device for the installation of the Windows client software libraries. See Prepare Your Device to Use the Windows Client Software Library.
  2. Register your device, record the password, and download the provisioning file.
  3. Open a web browser and browse to the Oracle Fusion Cloud IoT Intelligent Applications client software libraries download site.
  4. Scroll to C Client Software Libraries and download the Binaries and Samples zip files from the Windows table.
  5. Extract the contents of the Binaries and Samples zip files.
  6. Upload the humidity and temperature sensor device models to Oracle Fusion Cloud IoT Intelligent Applications. See Upload the Sample Device Models.
  7. Open a command prompt and run this command to move to the iotcs/csl/windows/bin directory: cd iotcs/csl/windows/bin.
  8. Download the latest version of OpenSSL from or run this command to download the OpenSSL file: wget*.tar.gz where x.x.x is the latest version number and * is a lower case letter.
    This command example assumes the wget utility is installed.
  9. Run this command to extract the openssl-x.x.x*.tar.gz file: tar -xvf openssl-x.x.x*.tar.gz where x.x.x is the latest version number and * is a lower case letter.
  10. Run this command to move to the openssl-x.x.x* folder: cd <filepath>/openssl-x.x.x* where x.x.x is the latest version number and * is a lower case letter.
  11. Run this command to determine the path to the Visual Studio environment variable: set| findstr -i comntools.
    The command should return a response similar to:VS150COMNTOOLS=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\Tools\
  12. Run these batch scripts to set the path and environment variables for command-line builds:
  13. Run this command to configure OpenSSL for Windows: perl Configure VC-WIN32 no-asm .
  14. Run this command to build the OpenSSL libraries: nmake /nologo .
  15. Run this command to copy the generated libraries to the iotcs/csl/windows/bin folder: copy /y *.lib ...