Set Up Your Development Environment to Use the Python Client Software Library

Before you can develop applications that let your devices to communicate with Oracle Fusion Cloud IoT Intelligent Applications, you first download and extract the Python client software library.

  1. Log in to your Oracle Internet of Things Cloud Service instance.
  2. Upload the humidity and temperature sensor device models to Oracle Fusion Cloud IoT Intelligent Applications. See Upload the Sample Device Models.
  3. Create new a application named PythonCLapp. See Creating a New Application.
  4. Associate the humidity sensor device model with the PythonCLapp, record the password, and download the provisioning file. See Register a Single Device.
  5. Open a web browser and browse to the Oracle Fusion Cloud IoT Intelligent Applications client software libraries download site.
  6. Scroll to Python Client Software Library and download the Binaries and Samples zip files, and, where release is the release and version number.
  7. Download and install.