CPP Device Virtualization API Reference for Oracle Internet of Things Cloud Service Client Software Library. Release E92477-09
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iotdcl::ChangeEvent< V > Member List

This is the complete list of members for iotdcl::ChangeEvent< V >, including all inherited members.

ChangeEvent(VirtualDevice *vd, NamedValue *value) (defined in iotdcl::ChangeEvent< V >)iotdcl::ChangeEvent< V >inlineprotected
Event(VirtualDevice *vd, NamedValue *value) (defined in iotdcl::Event< V >)iotdcl::Event< V >inlineprotected
getNamedValue() const =0iotdcl::Event< V >pure virtual
getVirtualDevice()=0iotdcl::Event< V >pure virtual
value (defined in iotdcl::Event< V >)iotdcl::Event< V >protected
vd (defined in iotdcl::Event< V >)iotdcl::Event< V >protected
~ChangeEvent()iotdcl::ChangeEvent< V >inlinevirtual
~Event()iotdcl::Event< V >inlinevirtual