CPP Device Virtualization API Reference for Oracle Internet of Things Cloud Service Client Software Library. Release E92477-09
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Device Library overview

The device and enterprise client libraries simplify working with the Oracle IoT Cloud Service. These client libraries are a low-level abstraction over top of messages and REST APIs. Device clients are primarily concerned with sending data and alert messages to the cloud service, and acting upon requests from the cloud service. Enterprise clients are primarily concerned with monitor and control of device endpoints.

The Oracle Internet of Things CPP Client Library is a high level native library for accessing the Oracle IoT Cloud Service. Basically, Cloud Service supports only low level REST API and this library provides higher level abstraction on top of that making development of client applications easier and faster.

Trusted Assets

Trusted assets are defined as material that contribute to the chain of trust between the client and the server. The client library relies on an implementation of a TrustedAssetsManager to securely manage these assets on the client. The client-library has a default implementation of the TrustedAssetsManager which uses a trust-store to secure the trust assets. To create the trust-store for the default TrustedAssetsManager, the user must use the iotcs_tam.h methods.

Device Models

A device model is a predefined specification of the attributes, formats and resources of a device that can be accessed by the client-library. The attributes of a device model represent the basic variables that the device supports, such as temperature, humidity, flow rate, valve position, and so forth. The formats of a device model define the structure of a message payload. A format describes the message attributes by specifying the attribute names, types, optionality, and default values. The resources of a device model define additional, ad-hoc REST resources which provide richer REST support than what is possible with attributes and formats.

Device Client Quick Start

The following steps must be taken to run a device-client application.

  1. Initialize device
    // Create the device
    // Constructor requires a path to trusted assets store and
    // a password for trusted assets store.
    GatewayDevice gwd("trusted_assets_store", "changeit");
    // or
    DirectlyConnectedDevice dcd("trusted_assets_store", "changeit");
  2. Activate the device
    // set supported device models by device
    if (!gwd.isActivated()) {
        const std::vector<std::string> deviceModels = {temperatureSensorUrn,
  3. Register indirectly-connected devices
    // create meta-data with the indirectly-connected device's
    // manufacturer, model, and serial number
    const std::map<std::string, std::string> temperatureMeta = {
        {"manufacturer", "A Manufacturer"},
        {"modelNumber", "MN-xxxx-xxxx"},
        {"serialNumber", "SN-yyyyyyyy"}
    // add any vendor-specific meta-data to the metaData Map
    // register it
    const std::string output_endpoint_id = gwd.registerDevice(false, hardware_id, metadata, humiditySensorUrn);
  4. Create a virtual device implementing the device model
    deviceModel = gwd.getDeviceModel(device_model_urn);
    virtualDevice = gwd.createVirtualDevice(endpointID, deviceModel);
  5. Monitor the device through the virtual device

    // set a callback for any changes to this virtual object
    // set a callback for any changes to attribute of this virtual object
    virtualDevice.setOnChange(attributeName, deviceOnChange);
    virtualDevice.setOnError(attributeName, deviceOnError);
    // set a callback for action
    virtualDevice.setOnAction(actionName, deviceOnError);
  6. Control the device through the virtual device
    // set a value for a particular attribute in this virtual device
                 .set(attributeName1, attributeValue1)
                 .set(attributeName2, attributeValue2)
                 .set(attributeName3, attributeValue3)
                 .set(attributeName4, attributeValue4)
                 .set(attributeName5, attributeValue5)