
The following classes are available globally.

  • A directly-connected device is able to send messages to, and receive messages from, the IoT server. A directly-connected device has a physical-device identifier that is registered with the server. When the directly-connected device is activated on the server, the server assigns a logical-endpoint identifier. This logical-endpoint identifier is required for sending messages to, and receiving messages from, the server.

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    public class DirectlyConnectedDevice : Client
  • A GatewayDevice is capable of registering indirectly–connected devices and proxies messages for indirectly-connected devices.

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    public class GatewayDevice : DirectlyConnectedDevice
  • ExternalObject represents the value of a URI type in a data model. The application is responsible for uploading/downloading the content referred to by the URI.

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    public class ExternalObject : Hashable
  • A callback interface for receiving an event when content referred to by an attribute value has been successfully synchronized, or has failed to be synchronized. See setOnSync

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    open class SyncCallback
  • StorageObject provides information about content in cloud storage.

         // Upload example
         var lenna:StorageObject =
                                                  contentType: "image/jpeg")
         // onSync is called when the content referenced by the storageObject
         // is in sync with the storage cloud, or the sync has failed.
         lenna.setOnSync(callback: { event in
             let storageObject:StorageObject = event.getSource()
             if storageObject.getSyncStatus() == SyncStatus.inSync {
                 // image was uploaded and can be deleted
             } else if storageObject.getSyncStatus() == SyncStatus.syncFailed {
                 // image was not uploaded, take action!
         virtualDevice.set(attributeName:"image", attributeValue:lenna)
         // Download example
         // onChange is called when the attribute value changes.
         virtualDevice.setOnChange(attributeName:"image", callback: { event in 
             var namedValue:NamedValue = event.getNamedValue()
             var storageObject:StorageObject = namedValue.getValue() as StorageObject
             if storageObject.getContentLength() < availableDiskSpace {
                 // syncTo will kick off the async download of the content
                 storageObject.setOnSync(callback: { event in
                     let storageObject:StorageObject = event.getSource()
                     if storageObject.getSyncStatus() == SyncStatus.inSync {
                         // image was downloaded and can now be used
                     } else if storageObject.getSyncStatus() == SyncStatus.syncFailed {
                         // image was not downloaded, take action!
                 storageObject.setOutputPath(outputPath:"downloads" +
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    public class StorageObject : ExternalObject